You mine now feathers!

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That huge chicken scared me!

Still my mother is scarier!

Mom: Look what you did?! Why do you always have to cause trouble?

Me: I am sorry.

Mom: Why did you even ran away?

Me: I didn't. I just wanted to get some air.

Mom: In a hospital?

Me: ....

Mom: If you like being in a hospital soo much then I will gladly help you get there.

Me: .. No... Please! NO!

It was only shortly after Hawks left that my mom started tlaking to me again and she had this sick smile on her face which told me that she was up to no good and I was actually scared of her. There was nothing this woman wouldn't do at all. I encountered soo much with this family already that I was just scared of them. 

Instead of going home, my mom dragged me into a warehouse which I knew was abandoned since it looked like this and not to menion that everything was broken and run down and smelly too. This was definitelly not a good place at all. 

However what did surprise me was that my father was actually waiting there and he had gas canisters on the ground beside him. I had a bad feeling and this feelings was only getting worse the closer we got to the canisters.

Mom: I'll make sure you won't be able to fly away anymore.


I knew exactly that my quirks were my wings without them I wouldn't be able to heal myself at all anymore. Not only that but it would also take ages to heal and recover them back. Never lost them before and never had intentions on losing them. 


I started started panicking and stopped moving but my mother threw me on the ground then grabbed my wing and started to drag me across the floor. I was scared and I was paniking. I didn't wanted to lose my wings and experience the pain. 

As much as I wanted to get away my body refused to move at all, actually I couldn't move a muscle. I was soo scared and everything that my body just shut down. The only thing that I could do was shaking and taking cover. 

Father: Honey, I think she learned her lesson.

Mom: You think so?

Father: Yes. Her wings are too beautiful to end them. What if you end her quirk with it, then we would lose our dear toy.

Mom: You're right darling.

All of the sudden my mom let me go and all I could do was lay there on the ground sobbing in panick and use my wings and hands as a shield. At this point I didn't know what was going on since I closed my eyes and the moment my mom let go of my wings I had it protectively around me. 

I waited for the pain, the heat and everything not even knowing that they decided not to burn me anymore. It all went past me. There was nothing that I heard at all since I was too afraid to listen to what they would say. In fact what anyone would say. 

My parents left me alone in that warehouse but I didn't get that at all, neither did I feel that someone took me in their arms and was rocking me back and forth a bit as welll as slowly and tenderly caressing my wings.

Hawks: It's okay. Calm down feathers. Everything is fine. Nothing happened.

I don't know how much time went by like this but once I snapped out of my panicked state I felt the touch on my wing and heard Hawks talking. I felt the warmth on my back too. This was all profe that I was not hurt at all. So I opened my wings slowly and backed away for a bit. He let me go and do as I please but he definitelly sticked close to me.

Hawks: Are you okay now?

Me: Yeah... I am fine.

Hawks: How long have you been enduring this?

Me: Hm?

Hawks: Them?

Me: You mean my adoptive parents?

Hawks: Yes.

Me: Months.

Hawks: Why don't you leave?

Me: Where?

Hawks: .... Oh...

Me: I am to old to get back into the system and the orphange. They would only kick me out and I can't fend for myself yet. I have to endure this for a bit more.

Hawks: No.

Me: What do you mean no?

Hawks: Well No is spanish for no feathers. I am not gonna let you leave and go back.

Me: But you have no proof of them abusing me at all. . . Look Hawks, I am really thankfull for evertyhing but I am fine. I can deal with this myself and I won't die that easily.

Hawks: Because of your healing quirk?

Me: Yes... wait how do you know?

Hawks: I heard your parents talk and got everything on tape. You don't have to go back anymore.

Me: And where do you think I should go then?

Hawks: Come with me!

Me: You?

Hawks: Yes, why not?

Me: You would be willing to adopt me?

Hawks: Yup. Always wanted to try it out.

Me: And you get a teeneger instead of a kid why?

Hawks: Stop questioning me! Now can you fly?

Me: Yes.

Hawks: I know that you can but can you fly like now? You still are shaking.

Me: I should be able to.

Hawks: Good. Follow me!

Me: Ahm okay...

This was how I flew away with Hawks to this agency top floor which was also his home and a luxurious appartment on top of that too.

Snow (Hawks Sister) (Healer )Where stories live. Discover now