Annual ball.

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Annual ball.

Two weeks later...

"Right, you there go sort out the flowers .... You there put that in the kitchen." I heard Claire saying as I entered the room, I watched as the servants walked around getting everything ready for the ball that was being held in two days' time.

" How is everything going?" I asked standing next to Claire.

" Ok so far.. I want everything to be perfect as it isn't only a get together it is also a welcoming thing for you to accept you into the family."

" Will your father be coming." I asked feeling annoyed I still hadn't forgotten what he had done to cam.

" More than likely , but don't worry the other elders will attending too."

" Okay." I sigh then gently rubbed my stomach.

"Your pretty big now aren't you ?" she said looking at my stomach.

"Yeah...." I mumbled

"How is my brother doing?" She asked looking at a click board that she had been holding.

"Fine....his face is fine now, I left him with Luna it seems Luna wants daddy more then mommy today." I said smiling as I remembered them curled up asleep together.

"How is her talking going?" she asked

"Pretty well to be honest, she can say full sentences now without difficulty and she says mommy and daddy now instead of Da and Ma." I said smiling softly.

" Daddy!,where is mommy?" I heard Luna say suddenly , I turned slightly to see cam walking down the corridor with Luna.

" There she is , Look." He said softly to her point to me , Luna started to giggle when she saw me, I smiled and slowly walked towards them.

" Mommy !" She squealed as she reached for me " You went away."

" I was only talking to aunty Claire." I answered as I held her.

" Right , I'll leave you guys to it , plus I need to check all the catering stuff are done." Claire said as she looked at us , she smiled and then walked off.

" I think she is going a bit over the top with this whole ball thing to be honest." Cam said as he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me into him.

" She just wants everything to be perfect that's all." I answered turning my head slightly to look at him.

Two days later.....

i stud at the top of the stairs , cam standing by my side his hands behind his back, luna had her head resting on my shoulder she had been silent since we entered the room, suddenly i saw cam tense.

"What is wrong." i asked through the link as i glanced around the room then i noticed the thing that would cause cam to tense up , his father had just walked in and was staring straight at us, i let out a softly defencive growl.

" Sophie..." i heard cam say through the link as i notice him look at me out the corner of his eye.

"What ?" i asked.

" Not now..."he answered sighing softly

my wolf was pacing aggressively , she was snarling as I looked at him walking around the different groups shaking thier hands and nodding as they showed him respect, i let out a soft growl again

" Sophie !" i heard cam snarl through the link.

"Sorry." i whimpered, my wolf seemed to stop pacing , she sat down i noticed the way she looked she was sulking, then i noticed cam move slightly next to me, then he started to decend the stairs i went to follow him.

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