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Placing Luna on the ground i held her hand and we slowly walked out into the front yard. The sun was shining , I closed my eyes as the heat was on my face.I felt Luna tug on my hand , I looked down at her , then I let go of her hand she started to walk off.  

" Don't go to far." I said to her then watched as she ran off , I smiled and sat on the grass area and closed my eyes. 

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me , I opened my eyes and frowned as I looked around.  

" Hey." I heard cam say.  

" Where is Luna ? " I asked looking around feeling worried.  

" She is just by that tree look." He answered pointing at a tree where Luna was.  

Then I noticed a young girl kneeling down next to Luna, I frowned and got up.  

" who is that ?" I mumbled as I walked towards them. " Luna ? "  

" mommy ?" She said as she stud up , I looked at the young girl , it was Darla, I picked up Luna just as Darla stud up.  

" Hello Darla." I said softly smiling " what are you doing here ?"  

" I ....erm...." She stuttered looking at me seeming very nervous.  

" Darla ?" I heard cam say behind me.  

" My prince.....I am sorry .....If I am intruding.." She stuttered looking at the floor now.  

" It is fine , but why are you here , surely you should be with Oscar." He said softly then I noticed her cringe slightly , I frowned at this.  

" What is wrong ?" I asked still frowning then I noticed tears running down her face.  

" I don't want to go back..... " she said shaking her head as she wrapped her arms around her self.  

" Why ?" Cam asked concern in his voice.  

" I can't ...speck ......poorly of my master .... But I can't ....go ... back" she whispered.  

"Ok , Darla you can stay here for a little bit until you are ready to go back to Oscar." Cam said as I gave Luna to him then wrapped an arm around Darlas shoulders , she looked at me and smiled.  

" Come on , I will show you to your room. " I said softly then we slowly walked to the house. Claire was waiting at the front door, she looked at cam and nodded then walked in. 

I took Darla up to her room, I watched as she sat on the bed.  

" Right i will leave you to get settled in, if you need anything , don't hesitate to ask." I said smiling then I left her, I walked to my room and sighed as I sat on the bed.  

" Something isn't right there , for as long as I have knew Darla , she has never left Oscar." Cam said as he sat next to me.  

" I will try and talk to her later." I said placing my head on his shoulder " where is Luna ?"  

" Claire has her." He replied  

I got up and walked to my wardrobe , I picked out a few clothes.  

" I'll go and give these to Darla ." I said softly then I left the room and walked to Darlas room ,I slowly opened the door , I peered in , I frowned when I noticed Darla standing next to the mirror with no top on , I gasped when I saw bruises up her right side.  

" Darla ? " I said walking in , she gasped and grabbed the duvet and covered herself. " how did that happen?"  

" I fell over and......bruised all my side." She mumbled staring at me, I frowned at her.  

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