Eighteenth birthday

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Eighteenth birthday.

After we had finished, everyone went back to what they were doing , I stayed with alec and washed up then he dried up.After putting the stuff away , we both slowly walked up stairs , my room was first.

" Well, this is my room." I said smiling " Thanks for walking me home."

" well I couldn't let such a beautiful lady walk alone in the dark." Alec said smiling too.

" oh you flatter me, such a kind young gentleman." I giggled as I opened my door , I was about to step in when Alec stopped me." I'll be here tonight , I won't leave you alone through this."

I nodded and gave a nervous smile

" Thank you Alec." I whispered as I walked in , closing my door behind. I stripped off and curled under the covers into a tight ball then I slowly drifted off.

I wake up suddenly , I stretched out and looked at the alarm clock next to my bed 11:58 I sighed and climbed out of bed just then I heard my door lock , I smiled at this it meant Alec was there. I walked into my bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror , I had bed hair , pulling a face I walked back into my room then suddenly a shooting pain went through my stomach area , I groaned as I doubled over. My wolf was growling and pacing around anxiously, I sat on the floor leaning against my bed , gripping onto bed sheet as I felt myself over heating I whined as my body started to shake.

" Alec!" I cried out " I need help."

There was no response so I tried through the link.

" Alec !?!"

Still nothing , I growled in annoyance , then I heard footsteps as the pains got worse, I gripped onto the bed sheets and closed my eyes trying to block everything out when suddenly there was a bang and I was being lifted up, I whimpered as I was lowered onto my bed , I opened my eyes to see red ones I gasped then his lips were on mine , softly kissing me , his tongue trying to push its way into my mouth , I groaned and let him have excess , his tongue brushed against mine , I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me , wrapping my arms around his neck as he gently nipped at my lower lip then he moved to my neck , nipping and sucking as he carried on down to my shoulder blade causing me to groan again then he was gone I whimpered and look up to see him hovering above me , a grin on his face as he stripped , kissed up my body then placed his lips on mine, I could feel his full weight on me as he pushed me into the bed , suddenly I felt him push into me , I groaned as he withdrew and entered again , I clawed his back as he picked up the pace , I could feel him kissing my neck , then there was a sharp pain , I gasped then I could feel myself climbing , I cried out his name as I came , he slowly withdrew and lay next to me, I turned to face him , he smiled softly as he moved a strand of hair from my face, I yawned slightly , he pulled me towards him laughing , I placed my head on his chest and curled up to him , he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

" Happy birthday." He mumbled as I drifted off.

When I woke up the sun was shining , I stared at the ceiling and thought about last night , I smiled slightly , then turned my head to see a sleeping Markus next to me , I glanced at his muscles and his six pack.

" And he is all ours !" My wolf said grinning , looking like she has just won the lottery, her mood was infectious , I let out a giggle but then covered my mouth and glanced at Markus. I carefully climbed out of bed , grabbed my toilette bag and ran to the bath room.

" Well...well....well." I heard Alec say through the link.

" Morning Alec." I replied smiling

" Happy birthday soph." He said


All of a sudden I got a wave of happy birthdays come at me through the link.

" Thanks guys, now get back to whatever you're doing."

I turned on the shower and stepped in, as I was washing the shampoo out of my hair , two arms wrapped around my waist and I was pressed against his chest.

" Morning beautiful." He whispered in my ear then he softy kissed my neck.

"Morning." I replied turning to face him

" How r you ?"

" I'm fine."

He smiled then lifted my head up slightly and pressed his lips against mine then pulled away before I could respond.

" Did you know I was your mate ?" I asked looking up at him then watched as his cheeks turned red, I giggled at this then turned back to the shower to rinse out the rest of the shampoo. I quickly showered then got dressed.

Hand in hand Markus and I walked to the main room , when we got there I gasped , there were balloons everywhere.

" Wow , guys this is amazing." I choked out feeling emotional.

All my pack mates were standing around smiling, I noticed someone was missing.

" Where is my beta ?" I asked frowning

" He left after he said happy birthday , said he was going for a run and he hasn't come back yet." Mary said watching me.


Suddenly April my omegas mate grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the kitchen.

" Come on Alpha , we have something to show you." She giggled as we walked, once we got there I noticed a big birthday cake in the middle of the dining table , I stud there shocked.

" Happy birthday my dear , I hope you like your cake." Cook said smiling softly at me.

Suddenly I heard the door shut , I looked through the door to see Alec walking down the hall , I realised his mind was blocked.

"Alec." I shouted at him, he carried on walking as if he hadn't hear me, I frowned.

" excuse me , I just need to see what is up with my beta." I said as I pushed past everyone and then ran in the direction that Alec went, I walked up a set of stairs and headed towards his room, I sighed and knocked on his door.

" Alec." I said

There was no reply so I banged on the door.

" Alec ! I know you are in there , I need to talk to you." I shouted " let me in please."

Suddenly the door opened , Alec stared at me , the hand I could see was clenched into a fist.

" Alec , what is wrong with you , I have never seen you like this before." I said

He stared at me then went to walk away , i quickly grabbed his arm to pull him back when he snarled at me.

" Don't touch me." He snapped as he pulled his arm away and walked away.

" Alec , don't you dare..." He turned to look at me , the look of hatred was clear in his eyes, i gasped a wave of hurt washed over me. I noticed Markus walking towards me looking very concerned.

" You okay ?" He said once he had reached me , then he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

" I'm fine." I lied burying my face into his chest as I wrap my arms around his waist.

" Sophie ... Please don't lie to me , I know you're not okay." He whispered to me.

" Sorry." I mumbled " I need to go find my beta , he is in a bad mood and I don't know why."

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