saving us (pt 1)

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*Welcome to this book! I'm crazy for writing another book but I love writing! I hope you enjoy this first chapter, I'm not sure the schedule of updates due to work but I'll try my best! Thank you so much to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree❤️

November 1998

It has been three months since the scandal that shocked the world came out about President Bill Clinton having an affair with an intern.

Hillary and Bill haven't talked very little or not at all since he confessed to her and Chelsea about what went on. His lie broke them both and both of them don't know if their relationships with Bill can be fixed.

Chelsea has slowly came around and is talking to her Dad pretty much everyday however she is disappointed on her dad breaking her mother, her best friends' heart.

Henry, the five year old son of Bill and Hillary who was born in July of 1993, has no idea what is happening.

Hillary and Bill thought it was best to not tell him much of anything since he doesn't understand much things since he is only a kindergartener.

The past few months have been extremely rocky at the White House residence, however Hillary agreed to start couple's therapy with Bill while Bill does other intense therapy for himself.

The only good thing that has happened during this time is little Henry starting kindergarten at Sidwell Friends School. Both Hillary and Bill were there to drop him off, trying to act like nothing happened two weeks prior.

For the last two days, it has just been Bill, Henry, Buddy the dog and Socks the cat at the White House!

Chelsea returned to Stanford for the fall semester of her sophomore year while Hillary is out of town, enjoying the week with her childhood best friend Betsy.

Henry is currently off school today because it is professional development day.

Henry made lots of plans the night before with Bill about what he wants to do on his day off of school!

It is currently 10am at the White House Residence. Henry happily got himself dressed and ready for the day and fed himself a bowl of cereal, a skill he has learned recently!

Henry wonders why his Daddy isn't awake, he usually is awake very early in the morning and is usually the one to wake him up for the day.

Henry first looks in the master bedroom and Bill isn't there. Henry than looks in Bill's personal office and Bill isn't there either. Henry than runs into the living room and finds Bill on the floor and he appears to be sleeping.

Ever since the scandal broke, Bill's new sleeping arrangements has been the couch.

Henry walks over to Bill and taps his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Daddy! It's wate! We gotta pway and have fun on my day off from school!" Henry says happily as he continues tap Bill's shoulder, but it isn't working.

"Daddy? Daddy!" Henry says louder, thinking Bill didn't hear him.

"DADDY! DADDY! Wake up! Daddy! WAKE UP!" Henry says as he begins to panic.

Henry tries his best to not cry or get upset but it is impossible since he is only five years old and has never experienced anything this scary before.

Henry tries to figure out what exactly to do. Bill's secret service isn't near by because they are still getting ready for the day. Plus, Bill doesn't like having the Secret Service up his butt 24/7 if he could help it.

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