saving us (pt 2)

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*Hillary returns to Washington after Bill's medical emergency. Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this. Enjoy ❤️*

Hillary is quickly walking down the stairs off of Air Force One, after her girl's trip with her childhood Betsy had been interrupted.

She leaves Andrew's Air Force Base and heads straight to Walter Reed Hospital to see Bill. He was found unconscious by their 5 year old son Henry a few hours ago but is doing better after getting lots of fluids and medicine.

"First Lady, we will get your luggage in the trunk. Go ahead and get in the back." Kenneth, one of her secret service agent says to Hillary.

"Thank you." Hillary says in a somewhat sad tone as she gets in the car and the car carefully drives to Walter Reed, trying to not get detected by the press.

Hillary and three of her Secret Service agents were able to get in Walter Reed without being seen by the public or even by the press, which is a rarity.

Before seeing Bill, Hillary talks with his nurse and the doctor that is overseeing his care to get an update on her husband's health. Bill has walking pneumonia that was almost full blown pneumonia and was extremely dehydrated.

Hillary quietly walks into Bill's hospital room and sees him sleeping due to the exhaustion of being sick and the hectic day.

Hillary smiles at how adorable her husband is while he sleeps, it reminds her of Henry because he sleeps the same exact way.

Hillary accidentally bumps into something in the hospital, causing it to fall on the floor and for Bill to startle awake.

"I'm sorry, Bill. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep, you really need it." Hillary says in a whisper at Bill as she walks over to him.

"Hill?" Bill says, trying to figure out if that's really Hillary standing there or he was just dreaming.

"Hi, sleepy head. It's just me. Go back to sleep, you really need your sleep." Hillary says to Bill in a whisper.

"Hill, I-I-I'm sorry." Bill says hoarsely as he looks at his beautiful wife, who is wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a green sweater.

"You need to take care of yourself, Bill. You are the President of the United States and also a father of two amazing kids who love you to pieces." Hillary says to Bill as she pulls a chair over and sits across from Bill.

"Mhm." Bill says as he begins to cough loudly.

"Here, drink some water. You need to stay hydrated." Hillary says as she holds the cup of water so Bill can take a few sips.

"Thank you." Bill says softly to Hillary.

"You're welcome." Hillary says to Bill, admiring his adorable face that looks skinnier than she remembers it being just a month or two ago.

"How are the kids?" Bill asks softly to Hillary.

"They are hanging in there. Chelsea is on her way home and Henry is at Al and Tipper's house until I go over and pick him up." Hillary says to Bill.

"Gosh, I feel terrible for having Chelsea come home. She is supposed to be having the time of her life at Stanford and now this." Bill says with a loud sigh.

"That's true, but her instructors are very understanding. What's important to Chelsea right now is you. She said that school can wait for a little bit and is not going back to California until you are better." Hillary says to Bill.

Bill holds his hand out, wanting to hold Hillary's hand, something he hasn't done in a while.

Hillary takes Bill's hand and softly rubs it, something she often did while they sat together.

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