stomach bug invades the white house (pt 1)

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*Henry gets a stomach bug. Will this bring Bill and Hillary back together? Thank you so much to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy*

December 1st 1998

It is currently 3am at the White House residence.

Chelsea and Henry are in their bedrooms fast asleep while Hillary is in the master bedroom and Bill is in the living room laying on the couch.

Bill is still awake, unable to fall asleep due to being upset with himself.

Bill, Hillary, Henry and Chelsea all had a great family day which ended in Hillary and Bill arguing over something silly, but due to their situation right now, anything can cause an argument.

Bill tries to keep his mind busy by reading a new book. He really should get some sleep but he just can't rest right now.

Meanwhile in his bedroom, Henry wakes up due to his stomach hurting him.

*Henry's pajamas*

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*Henry's pajamas*

Yesterday, Sidwell Friends School closed due to a nasty stomach bug going around in the lower, middle and high schools.

It appears that Henry has caught the nasty stomach bug as well.

Henry throws up and accidentally goes number two on himself causing Henry to get a little upset.

Henry leaves his bedroom and walks over to the master bedroom to get Hillary but the door was locked. It was probably locked on accident because Hillary always makes sure her door is unlocked just in case Chelsea, Henry or Secret Service needs her. 

Henry frowns and slowly walks over to the living room where he sees Bill reading his book.

"Daddy?" Henry says softly and Bill quickly turns around to see Henry with throw up all over his shirt.

"Hey squirt. What's wrong? Why are you up, it's late." Bill says softly to Henry.

"I frew up and had an accident. My tummy hurts." Henry says with a big frown, trying to not cry.

"Oh, my baby! Let's get you out of these pajamas and into a nice warm bath. It'll make you feel better. How does that sound?" Bill asks his son softly.

"Okay." Henry says as he holds his Dad's hand and they walk to one of the bathrooms.

Bill turns the warm water knob so the tub begins to fill up with warm bath water. Bill then carefully undresses Henry out of his soiled pajamas, trying to not gag at the different smells.

"Those were my favorite pjs, Daddy." Henry says with a frown.

"I know, bud. We might be able to wash them! If not, we can get you another pair, okay?" Bill says to Henry, wiping his face with a warm washcloth, cleaning up his face.

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