saving us (pt 3)

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*I wasn't gonna do a third part but I think it needed it! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this' enjoy! Love • Bree

9:05 pm - Dulles International Airport

Chelsea's flight finally lands in DC after being delayed for two hours. She walks out of the terminal and into the airport after her flight lands. She walks through the airport with a couple of her Secret Service agents when all of a sudden she hears her name called.

"Chelsea! Over here!" Al says as he yells her name as he waves her down.

Chelsea sees him, Tipper, Sienna, Little Al, and Henry (and their Secret Service) all waiting for her.

Tears start welling up in her eyes as Chelsea says quietly "I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry...."

Chelsea runs into Tipper's arms when she sees her and holds on to her for dear life.

"Chelsea? Don't hold your emotions in, sweety. Just let go." Tipper says softly to Chelsea.

"Aunt Tip? I'm worried about my Daddy. I don't wanna lose him!" Chelsea says and starts crying loudly on Tip's shoulder while hugging her, breaking her aunt's heart.

"Oh, Chelsea! That's it, Baby girl. Just let it all out, honey. Shh shh shh." Tipper says while comforting her crying niece.

Tipper rubs Chelsea's back and whispers words of love to her.

Little Al is holding Sienna and Henry's hands as they watch on and Little Al is trying not to cry himself.

Al thinks to himself as he watches his wife and niece together: "Even when your grown, you never stop being your parents' kid."

Ten minutes later, Chelsea finally calms down.

"I'm good, Aunt Tip. Thank you." Chelsea says softly.

"Anytime, sweet girl. That's what family is for. I've just been the consoler in chief today." Says Tipper as she wipes the last of Chelsea's tears off her cheeks and kisses her forehead.

"And you've done a very good job at it." Al says as he kisses his wife on the forehead.

"Sissy!" Henry says in a excited tone.

"Henry? Come here buddy!" Chelsea says as her brother runs to her and gives her a hug.

"I missed you." Henry says to his big sister

"I missed you too! Have you been good while I was gone?" Chelsea asks Henry and happily nods.

"Yes, sissy. I'm still worried about Daddy." Henry says with big eyes.

"I know. I'm worried too. But we get to go see him tomorrow." Chelsea says with a smile on her face

"Hey, Chelsea. Welcome home!" Little Al says as he walks over to where she is with Sienna

"Hi, sissy!" Sienna says in a happy tone of voice

"Hey, you two! Give me a hug." Chelsea says as she hugs the two youngest Gore siblings.

"I love you, sweet girl!" Chelsea says to Sienna

"Wuv you too, Chelsea." Sienna says with a smile

"Albert? I saw you tearing up earlier. You ok?" Chelsea asks him.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Uncle Bill. Pneumonia is no joke." Little Al says to Chelsea

"Oh, I know. Your Dad told me about Sarah having it when she was young. She was out of school for 3 weeks. But my Dad will be ok." Chelsea explains to Little Al.

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