the secret is out

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*Henry finds out about the Monica Lewinsky affair! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy!*


Henry barges into Bill's office and is fuming inside. His blood is boiling and he can barely hold his composure and his anger.

Henry never thought he would be this angry at any one of his parents but he's angry, hurt and betrayed at what he just found out about this father, a secret that was kept until now,

Henry decides to Google his dad because he's curious on what will come up. The usual things come up, his presidency, his years as governor of Arkansas, the Clinton foundation, the Clinton library and many other things Henry already knows about his dad.

But something keeps coming up that he doesn't understand or even remembers happening. And that is Bill's affair with White House Intern Monica Lewinsky. When this happened in 1998, Henry was just five years old and wasn't told about it by Hillary or Bill, they only told Chelsea.

Henry remembers Bill sleeping on the couch for a little bit, he remembers seeing a few arguments between his parents, but what kid hasn't? He also remembers a man coming to the house to talk to his mom, dad and sister. Henry remembers Hillary and Chelsea crying sometimes and other times his dad crying. They mostly talked and Henry just sat there and played with his toys or was taken out for the day by the Gores. Henry never really put any thought to this... until now.

Henry reads the whole entire Wikipedia article about it the affair, watched the infamous "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" video, then the infamous video of Bill telling everyone the truth. Then he finds out that's the reason Bill got impeached and almost thrown out of office because he lied.

"Dad! What the hell were you thinking?!" Henry says while yelling at his Dad.

Bill looks up at his work papers in utter confusion, confused on what Henry was even talking about.

"What are you talking about, son? And hello by the way. I see you finally woke up at 2pm." Bill says to Henry, causing Henry to roll his eyes.

"Don't joke around with me, Dad! YOU CHEATED ON MOM? Why? Why would you do that?" Henry asks Bill.

"I haven't cheated on your mom! And if someone told you that, then they are freaking lying." Bill says to Henry.

"Thens what's this video that's on YouTube? Saying you didn't have "sexual relations" with a lady. Miss Monica? I REMEMBER MISS MONICA! She was so nice to me! You had sex with her? You did things with her? SHE WAS LIKE A KID, DAD!" Henry yells at Bill.

Bill looks at Henry and realizes that Henry found out about his infamous affair that nearly destroyed his marriage to Hillary.

"Why did you and Mom not tell me about this?" Henry asks in anger.

"Because Henry, you were five years old when this happened. You wouldn't have understood anything. The therapist said to not tell you anything until you were older." Bill says, trying to figure what to say or do right now.

"It doesn't matter! You hurt my mama and my sister's hearts. Now I'm about to hurt you!" Henry says as he starts to ball his fists in anger.

"Henry! You better cut it out right now! We can talk about this and I'll explain everything to you. You are old enough now to understand." Bill says to Henry.

"So you, mom and Chelsea just kept this a freaking secret and you all just thought this was fine?" Henry asks Bill in anger as he bangs on Bill's desk.

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