a new clinton grandbaby 🍼

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*Hillary and Bill welcome their newest grandbaby - Max Blythe Clinton. Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🩵☺️*

June 6, 2024
1:30pm, Chappaqua New York, Clinton Residence

"Hope Dorothy Virginia Clinton! Come back here, young lady! I still gotta put your clothes on!" Hillary says while laughing as Hope runs away from her mom.

Hope runs into the master bedroom where Bill is sitting on the bed reading a new book.

"Hope, are you not listening baby? We need to listen to Mommy, okay?" Bill says as he gets out of bed and picks up Hope.

"Da da! Da da!" Hope says as she hugs Bill tightly with Bill hugging her back.

"Yes, sweet girl? We are gonna go bye byes!" Bill says as he carries her back into her bedroom where Hillary is finding Hope an outfit.

"I caught her! Someone is energetic after their nap!" Bill says as he kisses Hope and smiles at Hillary.

"No kidding! I come back home from California and this energetic toddler isn't slowing down!" Hillary says to Bill.

"This is the rest of our lives, Hillary. But I wouldn't have it any other way." Bill says as he gives his wife a kiss.

"I know. Can you cooperate with Mommy, sweet girl? We're gonna go to your brother and sissy in laws house to see baby Max again!" Hillary says with a smile at her daughter.

"Ax!" Hope says as she smiles.

"Max, that's right! And Liam! And their cat Whiskers and their dog Teddy!" Bill says with a big smile.

Yesterday, Henry and Mia welcomed their second child, Max Blythe Clinton into the world! Henry and Mia now have two sons, Liam Miguel and Max Blythe.

Born at 2:08 am, Max weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and 19 1/2 inches long. Max is named in honor of Mia and her sister Mariah's late Uncle Maximo who passed away in 2002. His middle, Blythe, is honoring his grandpa Bill Clinton's original last name. The last name Bill shared with his father of the same name who passed away in 1946 just 3 months before Bill's birth.

"Look at the outfit I found for you, princess! Mia got this for you!" Hillary says, showing Hope the outfit.

*Hope's outfit*

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*Hope's outfit*

"That looks like an outfit for a preteen! She's a toddler!" Bill says to Hillary.

"Oh Bill, please. It's a cute little outfit! It will look fine. Right, Hopey? Tell Daddy it will look nice!" Hillary says with some sass at Bill causing Hope to giggle.

"Oh, brother. I can't imagine what it'll be like when she's a teenager." Bill says as he shakes his head.

"It is a cute outfit, Bill! And she's covered up! Also, it is getting hot out." Hillary says as she gets Hope dressed.

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