hope's first snow

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*Hope Clinton and Jack Gore enjoy their first ever snow fall! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me chapter! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

January 23, 2023

It is a cold and snowy day in Chappaqua, NY. But inside the Clinton home, it's all warm and cozy. Three month old Hope Clinton woke up this morning at 8:30 seeing the snow falling through her nursery window.

Al has been up with her since then. After a diaper change and a morning bottle, the two of them have just been hanging out in the living room. Playing together and watching Sesame Street.

Meanwhile, Bill, Hillary, and his wife Tipper are still sleeping. And sleeping in the crib near the bed he and his wife share is the newest addition to the Gore family: Jack William Gore. Born on December 4, 2022, their baby boy is now 7 weeks old.

The Gores were in New York since Al had a couple speaking engagements over the weekend. Jack did great on his first flight. On top of that, he, his wife, and their baby boy were gonna be on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert later in the week.

The Clintons came home from their January vacation to the U.S. Virgin Islands Saturday night after being there for just over 2 weeks. Henry and Mia watched Hope while they were away.

Bill and Hillary were supposed travel to Hawaii the week of their wedding anniversary. However, Hope's surprise arrival changed those plans and they'll be going in February instead.

It's now 10:15 am and Al and Hope are looking out the living room window at the snow coming down. He can't help but smile watching the world through his niece's eyes.

"Look at the beautiful snow, Hope. Isn't it beautiful? The Earth does amazing and truly incredible things. You and Jack will change the world just like your siblings already are." Al says as he softly kisses Hope's cheek.

Hope babbles as she tries to touch the window with her hand but can't quite reach, causing Al to smile. Al looks down at his Apple Watch and looks at the time.

"Everyone is sleeping in this morning, huh? Except for us, Maisie and Tally. What do you wanna do, niece? Do you want to cuddle? Let's do that." Al says as Hope babbles happily.

Al and Hope walk over to the couch and Al carefully lays down, placing Hope on his chest.

The two of them stay like that for a good fifteen minutes until Hillary comes downstairs and takes a picture of the two of them with her iPhone.

"Al? Hopey? How long have you two been up?" Hillary asks as she holds a wide awake baby Jack in her arms.

"Little Missy here was up at 8:30 and since I was up already, I got her so you and Bill could get some more sleep. How did you get Jack without waking Tipper up?" Al says curiously.

"I saw the door cracked open and heard him get fussy. So I quietly got him out of his crib before he could wake his mom up. She just slept right through. Oh and FYI, your son decided to pee on me." Hillary says with a smile and a giggle,

"Jack William Gore! How could you?" Al asks his son as he rubs his head of brown hair.

Jack smiles at his Dad in response just as Hope turns her head and sees her mama.

"Hi, princess! Are you enjoying one on one time with Uncle Al?" Hillary asks Hope in a babyfied voice and she babbles in response.

"Sweet girl. Hey Al, you wanna hold your son while I make him a bottle?" Hillary asks Al.

"I'd love to. Hand him over." Al says in response as Hillary places Jack in his left arm.

"I'll be back. You three stay out of trouble." Hillary playfully says as she kisses Hope's head and walks away.

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