a little surprise in the family (pt 1)

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*The Clinton's have a new person in their family and it's not who you think! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️

October 22nd, 2022

The past almost two weeks have been unbelievable for Bill and Hillary.

On October 11th, their forty seventh wedding anniversary, they welcomed a surprise baby girl: Hope Dorothy Virginia Clinton.

Bill and Hillary only found out about this baby girl a few days prior after Hillary was experiencing some stomach pains and a little bit of bleeding.

For almost two weeks, Hope was in the NICU, learning how to eat and keep her temperature up. The doctors believe she was between thirty three to thirty six weeks gestation, but can't pin it down since Hillary doesn't have menstrual cycles anymore.

A week after Hope was born, Hillary managed to convince everyone to let her go to Japan for the World Assembly for Women and the 33rd Premium Imperiale. Her doctors said yes since she healed up really good from her c-section and didn't have any other health issues. But they told her to not doing anything strenuous or heavy lifting.

Today, Hillary came home from Japan and got the call from Bill that baby Hope passed her car seat test and they're able to take her home. So Secret Service drove her to the hospital right away.

A huge crowd was in front of the hospital waiting to see a glimpse of the newest Clinton. Along with Chelsea and Henry who got the word out to the people of New York that their sister was coming home.

Once Bill, Hillary, and Hillary and Hope's Doctors stepped outside of the main Hospital doors with Hillary holding Hope, the crowd was cheering, holding up signs, and were just showing them with love. Much to their shock!

Chelsea and Henry immediately walked up to their parents to hug them and look at their baby sister.

"I had no clue all these people were waiting outside? How did this happen?" Hillary asks her two adult children.

"Well, once Dad called Henry and I this morning that Hope could go home, we knew we had to get people to show up and support you. That's what Americans do!" Chelsea answers.

"I second that. Are y'all surprised?" Henry asks his parents.

"Very surprised. And also grateful. How about we pose for pictures?" Hillary says with a grin.

"That's a great idea!" Bill says as the Clinton's start to smile for the cameras. Except for Hope, she's just sleeping through it all.

After some pictures, the five just wave to the crowd. As usual, the people want to hear the Former President and Secretary of State speak. So one of her doctors got the microphone and speaker to where the Clintons were standing.

"Thank you all so much! I enjoyed my trip to Japan, but I'm glad to be back in New York to bring our daughter home. Bill and I just want to say thank you to all the medical staff and Hope's NICU team for taking such good care of us. And to all of our fellow Americans, thank you for the love and support via phone calls, texts messages, social media and everything else in between!" Hillary says happily.

"Hope's arrival came as a shock to our entire family, but we're so glad she here and she's healthy now. We didn't imagine having a baby at our ages, but here we are." Bill says, causing everyone to laugh.

"I agree. And Hope is thankful for all of you too. Right, baby?" Hillary asks her daughter who yawns in response, causing the crowd to awe in amazement.

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