stomach bug invades the white house (pt 2)

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*Henry gets a stomach bug. Will this bring Bill and Hillary back together? Thank you so much to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy*

Henry ran to the telephone and happily answered it.

"Hello?" Henry asks, wondering who's on the phone

"Henry! Good morning, sweetheart!" Tipper happily says on the other line.

"Auntie Tip! Auntie Tip!" Henry says happily while gently jumping up and down.

"Well, now we know who it is mom." Chelsea says while smiling at her mother.

"I good! I got the stomach thingy!" Henry says to Tipper.

"Oh no! Al and Sienna have the stomach bug too!" Tipper says do Henry.

"Daddy is getting rweady for da meeting!" Henry says as he smiles at Hillary and Chelsea.

"Uncle Al is too!" Tipper says with a giggle.

"Hi, Auntie!" Chelsea says in the background.

"Hello, Chels! How are you?" Tipper says to Chelsea as Henry hands her the phone.

Hillary puts them phone on speaker so everybody can hear and talk to Tipped.

"I'm good! How are you?" Chelsea says to Tipper.

"I'm great! Last night was rough with Sienna but I'm doing great otherwise!" Tipper says to Hillary.

"We we're just thinking about calling you. It's almost like you read our minds!" Hillary says to Tipper and Tipper chuckles.

"And we had a rough night with Henry too. He is feeling a lot better today. But I know you said Albert and Sienna had a good few hours before feeling sick again." Hillary says to Tipper.

"That's exactly what happened. You think that they're on the mend. But the stomach bug is like nope. Here we go again." Tipper says to Hillary with a groan.

"How's Little Al?" Hillary asks Tipper.

"Little Al is feeling much better! He hasn't thrown up in a while which is good! I think he is on the mend." Tipper says with a grin.

"But let me guess. Sienna wasn't too pleased with the early Christmas present her big brother brought home to her? Aka the stomach bug?" Hillary asks her.

"She wasn't but she loves her big brother so much. They have been sleeping in his bed together, it's sweet." Tipper says to Hillary.

"Aw, that's nice. Chelsea and Henry do that all the time. He loves his big sister." Hillary says back with a smile.

"Love you sissy!" Henry says as he raises his arms, wanting his sister to pick him up.

"And I love you! Very much!" Chelsea says as she picks her brother up and gives him kisses on his cheeks.

"I hear giggling in the background. Are the kids there?" Hillary asks her.

"Yep! They just came from the bathroom after brushing their teeth. Had some blueberry waffles this morning and they both feel better after having some pedialyte. You wanna talk to the kids?" Tipper asks the trio

"Yes!" Chelsea and Henry say in unison

"What's the magic word, you two?" Tipper asks her godson and niece

"Please?" The two Clinton siblings say together.

"Little Al! Sienna! Come here! Auntie Hillary, Henry and Chelsea wanna talk!" Tipper says happily.

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