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I woke up to a warm body with hands clutched around my abdomen with a soft breath rhythmatic almost. I raised my right arm peeling it from her body to check the time. It was still five minutes past six. I slowly parted our bodies careful enough not to wake her up because for one, I didn't know her name and even if I did remember it I'd beg my brain to remind me to forget it since I wasn't planning on talking to her let alone see her at any given moment from this day onwards. The second reason was because I knew she would expect me to ask for her number and tell her that last night night was spectacular even though I don't even remember taking her here.

I hurriedly got up from bed and went to the shower , the throbbing headache was the least of my problems. I switched the shower on letting the warm water smack my skin for what I had done. I took deep breaths, taking in the hot steam really calmed my soul I realized my body was starting to relax a bit although I hadn't noticed that my body was tensed up .

I finished showering and dried my body. I slowly opened the door hoping my 'guest'  still hadn't woken up. I opened the door slowly peaking my head inside the room . She was still there laying in the same position  I had left her. I finally swallowed up the courage to go inside. I didn't even bother applying lotion on my body so instead I wore the clothes I came here with which by the way reak of alcohol and a combination of ladies perfumes but what choice did I have at that moment?

As soon as I  had finished dressing up I fished for my wallet from the pockets of my pants and finally finding it on my left back pocket. Relief painting my body because for some reason, I thought my guest had stolen my wallet. I opened it and and took out R700 and placed it on the night stand. As soon as I placed the money on the night stand she slightly moved revealing her face which looked really peaceful. Although I don't say this as much as I need to ,I really have taste when it comes to women even when I'm  drunk but I still have common sense.
I froze as soon as her body turned to my direction luckily she hadn't woken up yet so I took my belongings and went to look for any of my belongings that I might not know of which I may or may not have brought with me but there was nothing so I eventually left the room walking to the reception to check out.

I stopped at the reception and looked at the  receptionist without saying anything waiting for her to feel uncomfortable enough to stop what she's doing and pay attention to me instead. "Listen uhm...", I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look at her name tag "Layla, there is a lady in my room, room 75. Who is currently sleeping so can you please get her waffles with whipped cream ,fruit salad accompanied by muffins and fruit punch then get room service and as soon as she checks out please send me the bill, okay."

With that I left not even giving her time to reply. I looked for my car but I couldn't find it so I called a cab instead. I didn't really care about the whereabouts of my car because my gut told me that it was well taken care of.

The cab finally came I  told him to take me to Kanivores Kingdom

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