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I drove away with a stupid grin across my face. I hoped no one I knew saw me with that much excitement on my face. I drove into the venue where the graduation was being held and parked my car. I was slightly late and barely anyone  who could help me since I was practically lost. But atleast there were a few people  who were still littered here and there. I spotted Nhlakanipho and Nhlonipho busy drinking something from a Tupperware bottle with their voices hushed. Were they trying to get drunk before the event? I knew my brothers were stupid enough to do that.  And so I quietly walked towards them making sure that they didn't hear me.

"What are you guys doings?" I questioned.

Nhlakanipho screamed and Nhlonipho turned to face me with his horror filled face.

These, ladies and gentlemen, are the two humans that I worked so hard to raise only for them to turn out like this. The both eventually recovered from their shock and jumped on me and started screaming in my ear that  that they could believe that  I came. I pushed them away and they sobered themselves up. They muttered small apologies and got back to their usual selves.

They started rambling about how much they missed me and how lonely they felt. They also told me of how confused they were when Mseki woke them up with hangovers and told them that I threw them out of the house. They literally thought I disowned them. These idiots. They mostly highlighted the fact that they were broke. I ignored them. I was still not over my money and their punishment wasn't over.

We got space to sit and clapped for all those who were graduating but mostly impatiently waitng for Mseki to be called. As soon as I heard a Mseki Mdletshe being called a smile adorned my face. I was proud of him, I never really liked telling people how I felt so I doubt he knew that. But I tried to show it instead. He stood up and  looked around and finally found us in the busyness of the crowd. His smile widened as soon as he saw me. For the first time in a long time I could proudly admit that I was happy. Happy to the point where I wanted to jump up in joy. My heart swelled with pride as I saw him shaking the hand of his Dean.

When the event was done we waited for him outside. He walked up to us with a bright smile plastered on his face. He gave me a single armed hug.

"I didn't think you would come." He said softly. It was almost inaudible.

"Don't ever say that. No matter how many times you fuck up, I'll always be there. I'm your guardian, it's my job to do that." I said with pang of disappointment. I never wanted my brothers to think that I will not be there for them because of a certain fuck up. After a few seconds of registering what I had said, he obediently nodded. "Get in the car so we can wear something more comfortable." I added.

They all looked at each other with pure confusion. I ignored them and got in my car while the twins got into their car and Mseki got into his as well. I drove to Mseki's and the others tailed behind me. We got to his house, changed and packed necessities such as our ID's. We drove to the airport with them nagging me about how they'd kill themselves if I didn't tell them about where I was taking them. I surround myself with pure idiots. I swear they were the most dramatic siblings of all time.

We got into the private jet that I had borrowed from a bad aquaintance of mine. Don't judge. We flew to Johannesburg and immediately drove to Konka.  They immediately squealed in excitement. By the time we arrived it was already half past nine. The vibe was there as well as the women and we only needed the drinks. I had started saving for Mseki's graduation to buy him a new car but I had already gifted him a car two years back so I had a few hundred thousands laying around. My budget was 150 though I wasn't willing to waste all of it on expensive whiskies.

The place was buzzing with music. Mseki had three women on him while  Nhlakanipho was sucking faces with another. Nhlonipho was.... Wait where was Nhlonipho? I stood up to look for him and finally found him dancing with the DJ. The woman was literally grinding on him. I badly wanted slap him. Goodness those kids were embarrassing.

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