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I was angry although Zama was scared and embarrassed. The only thought running around my head at that point was; who the fuck are you and why are you disturbing the breathtaking kiss I just shared with my woman.

"Zama you're busy kissing random men outside of your house now? I'm definitely telling Fika, so he can sort you out. This is nonsense, usuyajola manje wena Zama, usucabanga ukuthi usuyintombi. Heh, Zama, ngikhuluma nawe." She scolded.

Zama is twenty three for crying out loud, she can date however she wants. This woman is crazy, kambe what is her name?

"Buhle ngiyakucela please don't do this." Zama begged as she followed her.

Kanti her name is Buhle, I'm sure she's harmless. Buhles always bark with no bite. I was not expecting Zama to take her stupid threat seriously.

I followed Zama and pulled her to me and locked her in my arms. she trembled in my arms as I tried to calm her down.

"I will fix it, yehlisa umoya."(calm down)

"How?" She said

"I will fix it." I repeated and planted a peck on her lips before I left.

I noticed that Buhle went to the room that is used as Khetho's room when she is around which is by Zama's room. It was also easy to find it since she banged the door like it was her damn house I went to where Buhle was . The room was locked so I knocked.

"Who is it" she snapped on the other side of the door. I didn't answer her.
"Who is it?" She roared.

"I just want us to talk." I said and there was shuffling afterwards before the door clicked.

I opened the door with caution just incase she was underestimating me. She stood at the foot of the bed and simply glared at me.

"What do you want?" She spat.

"To talk." I simply said with my everyday cold tone. I closed the door and locked it, it took the key out of the key lock and studied her facial features as I slid it into my pocket. Alarm flitted in and out of her eyes.


I kept my cold gaze at her as I took calculated steps towards her. With every step I took towards her, she took one back. She ended up sitting on the bed and darted her eyes everywhere.

"Who are you? What is your name? Where do you come from? What are you to my sister?" She endlessly interrogated.

"Switch off the recording and then I will answer your questions."

This woman thinks I'm stupid.

"What recording" she asked with fake confusion. I looked into the depths of her frightened orbs until she gave up.

She searched for her phone from under the pillows and switched off the recording.

"I'm Nkosana Mdletshe by the way" but I noticed how her hand was still buried under the pillow. "I hate how you think I'm as dumb as you." I added and took a few steps closer, "what's in you hand?" I questioned.

She shifted her hand away from the pillow. Ukapa, how cute.

"Usuzoqala ukunginyanyisa manje" (you're going to start annoying me)I said and grabbed the tiny knife that wouldn't even have killed me. "You never saw me, I was never here. If I hear my name coming out of that mouth if yours, I'll make sure to cut that tongue of yours or your ears for not listening. Do not test me, Buhle." I said and walked away with her ukapa in hand .
"Your knife." I said and before she could register what I had said, the knife I had aimed right next to her head and landed on the head board.

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