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I drove to Phakama's station and went inside. I called him so he could meet me outside. I put my head on the head rest and closed my eyes while I waited. I hadn't gotten one ounce of sleep and it was taking its toll on me.

"Bhuti" he said with his body already half way in the car. I didn't even hear him open the door. He sat and fastened his seat belt. He looked at me as if expecting to drive.

I started the ignition and drove out and when I was stuck in traffic I turned to ask him where we were head.

"We're going to my house but because of traffic if we don't make it by half past two we might as well just make a U-turn." He said and I just nod in response, "by the way, I'm asking the questions because we both know you owe me that much. So shut the fuck up because I'm the boss in this bitch." He continued with a chest full of confidentiality. I'm pretty sure he got that from a movie. He chortled while his face beamed with excited, "I've been wanting to say that to you for the past two years you know." He added with a psychotic grin plastered on his idiotic face. I glared at him until he remembered that he was a friend adult. He coughed up an apology and straightened himself up.

I ignored him and faced the window while he kept on clearing his throat, hoping to grab my attention. If he wanted to say something he would have spit out by then.

"Why were you at the hospital" he finally gained the courage.

"To meet someone, who was hijacked." I monotonously answered.

"What does that person have to with the Celes?"

"They are siblings." I informed whilst driving. Traffic was a bit clearer by then.

"Change of plans, drive into this kids park. I need to inhale something smokey." He said and I did just that.

"Uyiphoyisa kodwa Phakama ufuna ukubhema ngaphambi kwezingane. Uphilile kodwa Phakama? I thought that was against the law." I reprimanded.(you're a policeman yet you want to smoke infront of children)

"Nkosana, we're in South Africa, relax." He retorted and pulled out a cigarette out of his pocket. "since you know someone from the inside you might as well assassinate that person. You just made my job a whole lot easier you know." He continued while bringing his cigarette to life and took a drag after.

"I can not do that." I muttered. Guilt was staring at me right in the face. Mocking me for falling in love with her. Phakama had to find it withing himself to forgive me somehow. Ignoring her existence was already as impossible as burning an ocean. I can't even imagine aiming at her. I gulped, closed my eyes and took a deep breath to rid myself of those unforgivable thoughts.

"It is a part of the plan, why the hell can't you do it." He challenged with rage coating his tongue.

"Anyone but her. I just can not, I'm truly sorry." I apologized

"What do you mean 'her'? So what, you're going ditch the plan because you're in love. Because of your fucking feelings. What about my feelings, what about what happened to Phakamani and I. Huh? Answer the fucking question!" He venomously spat. I did not look at him. In some way or the other he was right. I was being selfish. He released a hollow chuckle.
"You're so damn selfish you know. Just because you have your little happily ever after you think I'll just abandon the plan to kill my brother's murderers?"

"He was my brother too." I defended.

"You're lying. We both fucking know he wasn't and now that he's dead, you don't give a flying fuck about avenging his death. How fucking stupid of you." He snapped.

All emotion drained from my face. His words left a hollow being, a breathing corpse that stared back at him. He knew not to speak any further.

"I don't give two shit about what situation we find ourselves in in the future but under no circumstance will I accept your tone. I will stab you." I threatened but he wasn't moved. Not one bit. No muscle twitched on his facial features nor his body.

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