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We finally arrive at my farm house which I hoped we could explore but since missy was not keen on talking to me aborted all my plans. I parked the car and watched her as she played with her fingers. She folded her body until it looked like it was scrunched up. I got out of the car and walked over to her side. I slide my hands under the small of her back and under her knees. Before I could carry her bridal style she swatted me hands away.

"Don't you dare touch me" she said with years glassing her eyes once more.

I did not blame her for being angry. Hell, I would would not even be surprised if she slapped me. I left her into this fake life and the first time she was seeing the real me was when I was killing someone. I could not even lie and say that I have never killed someone because that was a perfectly aimed bullet. Which shows that there had been a few years of experience. I did not even flinch after I killed him or when I drove past the car and watched halve of his body hang from the window.

I obeyed her command and stood away from her but close enough to still hold the door for her. There werr glass prices all over my car because my windscreen was practically non existent at that point. A few small pieces were stuck on her clothes and mine too. Zama finally decided to get out of the car after torturing me by teaching me patience. I was not particularly as remorseful as she had wanted me to be I was for sure fuming. At that point, I was so angry that I felt like my skin was burning and my my.jaw was at the brink of breaking from how hard I was clenching it. She was, at that moment in time, the living definition of the simili 'as slow as a snail' but I kept my mouth shut and walked behind her. She open she door and found MaNgema singing along with the song that's playing on the radio to her heart's content. Zama immediately shifted and stood behind me. She was afraid of a middle aged harmless lady, Take note of the word harmless, yet she defied my orders when we were in a life or death situation. As soon as MaNgema noticed us she jumped up in fear and held her chest while she tried to regulate her breathing.

"You almost killed me, Sana" she said with a playful glare.

"Ngiyaxolisa MaNgema but I assure you that my handsome will not kill you" (I am sorry)I said with a smile on my face. MaNgema had become my many of sorts because of her motherly love. She would literally shout at me for wearing earphone and call them nonsense.

"Hayi suka",(oh please){interjection} she said as she waved me off. I turned to leave and pulled Zama with me by hold her hands. At first she tried to wiggle out of my hold until she realised that the more she tried the tighter I held her and so she let me be. MaNgema cleared her throat and stared at me. I knew whst she wanted but I refused to give in.When I pretended I could not get the signal she decided to let out a sigh at my stupidity. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" She asked while she stole glances at Zama.

"Zama this is MaNgema and MaNgema this is Zama." I introduced with a bored tone.

"Sawubona ma" she said with her delicate voice.(hello)

Hawu kanti she can speak  Ngiyalingwa.

"Yebo ngane yami unjani"(yesmy child how are you)

"Ngiyaphila ma wena unjani." (I am well ma how are you)

"Siyaphila ngane yami"(we are okay)

"Ma, awudingi ukuthi ngikusize lapho" she asked as she tried to escape me.  I did not give MaNgema the chance to reply as I pulled her away to the guest rooms.(don't you need help with that)

"You can freshen up or lie down for a
bit but we won't be staying for long. I'm going to be making a few calls before we leave. You can also make yourself some good if you like." I said and before I could turn around to leave she spoke.

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