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"So she's your girlfriend." Thembani concludes

"No, I don't think so. Did you guys see him? He looked like a thirteen year old boy who was talking to his crush for the first time." Skhumbuzo said while chortling.

I pointed the screw driver I had at Skhumbuzo "I will stab you with this." I threatened "and wena Bayanda-" I add

"I'm sorry okay." He yelled from the top of the crane. What the hell is he doing over there ngoba phela we're fixing the engine.(because)

Everyone starts laughing and giving Bayanda disapproving looks. I waved off his apology dismissively and carried on with work.

"You should ask her out though." Mandla says. He should mind his business Lona, he has marriage problems.

" Vele, she looks like a good girl." Thembani seconds

" And she has a banging body." Sandile adds from behind me.

"You like her right?"  Skhumbuzo asked while raising his eyebrows. He should mind what concerns him.

"I guess." I said with uncertainty while shrugging my shoulders.

"I guess." Skhumbuzo mimics me with his pitch a bit higher than mine.

I  knocked off at worked and contemplated on going to Zama's house or just calling her. I do stupid things sometimes and that was one of those times.

I started the ignition and drove to her apartment.

After a good 25 minute drive and a few breathing exercises. Don't, don't ask. I stood at her doorstep and knocked once and twice and the third time.

Calm down Nkosana, breathe.

I knocked for the forth and fifth time.

Why the fuck isn't she answering!?

The door flew open breaking my chain of thoughts and I am met by the most hypnotizing set of eyes. She peaks her head out of the door

"What are you doing here?" She whisper yelled

"Zaza are you coming or what?" A male voice yelled from the inside

"Give me a few minutes!" She yelled back

First of all, who the hell is that and what is he doing in her house? Secondly, out of all the cute names you could find this man chose Zaza, really?

She opens the door slightly and squeezes her body through the limited space.

"Zama-" I said.

"Nkosana, you have to go. I'll call you in two hours." She interruptd while pushing me backwards.

With that said, she slammed the door on my face.

"Kanti kade usushonephi?" (Where did you go) the male voice questioned

"There was knocking at the door but there was no one. I guess it's the neighbour's kids playing ding-dong- ditch again." She effortlessly lied.

I drove to my house and busied myself with the silliest of things. I even ended up calling my brother's to check up on them which resulted to me being guilt tripped by Nhlonipho and me giving them money that I know will be spent on the most stupidest(if that's even a word) accessories like shoes and leather jackets.

I, again was devoured by my pride which led to me cursing everything and everyone because Zama didn't keep her promise. I sat in my bed with my phone on my lap, waiting for her to call. I sat there for 3 damn hours.

I finally concluded that I didn't need her to call me because my happiness did not revolve around her [it did] and I would be just fine without her.

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