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Khetho had called a few times but I was not ready to talk to her. Not after the stunt she pulled. How the fuck can you just fall in love with your friend with benefits? I've blocked and unblocked her five times already. This needs to end before this gets messed up.

I texted Khetho telling her that I'd meet up with her in two hours at my restaurant. I didn't wait for her reply,I wasn't looking for one.

Mseki barged into my office and plopped down the couch. "Take care of everything while I'm gone for a few hours. "I said sternly. I don't want him to ask about my whereabouts. But we're talking about the famous Mseki who wants to know what everyone is doing and so I won't say I didn't expect him to ask. "Where are you going?"he asked. I decided to not answer,I looked at him right in the eyes and gave him the scariest look until he looked down , mumbled an apology and left my office.

I later drove to her house,well, her friend's house. I've never felt this nervous just by meeting someone. I didn't even notice that my palms had gotten sweaty,and my heartbeat was faster than usual.

I knocked on the door soft enough that no one inside could hear my knock but unfortunately her friend unlocked the door. I greeted her and she greeted back what I had noticed is how her voice sounded, like she had forced it out or too disgusted too even greet me properly. She didn't even look up to acknowledge my presence,she just greeted and left.

I didn't sit down on the couch, I felt uneasy all of a sudden. Khetho walked wearing ripped boyfriend jeans and a white bodysuit with air force 1's. For the first time I applaud her for wearing something descent when I'm around. She got on her tippy toes to kiss me but instead I slightly turned my head so she would kiss my cheek. Her body tensed up thereafter ,I don't know if she was shocked, confused, pissed or all of the above but her feelings were the least of my problems. I put my arm around her waist to guide her out of the apartment. She was reluctant at first but soon after relaxed. I walked her to my car. This whole time I was awfully quiet, not that I'm ever talkative.

I brought the car to life and drove straight to McDonald's. I ordered a a burger for her and I. This whole time I had not said anything, the atmosphere was rather awkward. In most cases she would have indulged in the food already but that day she hadn't, she just sat there and waited for me to say something. I cleared my throat hoping to ease the tension between the both of us." Lalela , Khetho"(Listen, Khetho) I said looking defeated. "I think we should stop this little sherade, it's starting to get annoying." I said with my eyes on the road. By then we were driving back to her apartment. "Is it because I lied about the apartment being mine ?" she asked with annoyance slightly visible in between her words. It was but I wasn't going to say that. "Partly, yes but besides that I honestly just don't have time for you anymore. "I said while increasing the speed, I wanted to get to her apartment as soon as possible."But I love you,Nkosana. I don't think you understand that, I really do."

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