Chapter 4

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No ones POV

Inside the Boar hat

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Inside the Boar hat

Man 1: A toast to Melissa and y/n of the Boar Hat! Cheers!

We see people having a celebration for having their water back. Then we see Elizabeth, hawk and Melissa also y/n is getting the drinks ready for customers.

Elizabeth: *nervous* I'm... not sure if I'll be any good... it's my first time doing something like this. My heart is pounding.

Melissa: Ah, I see. It's your first time.

Y/n: *appeared in front Melissa* Trying saying it again. One more time.

Y/n was moving closer and closer to Elizabeth face until Griffon pulled him back.

Griffon: *red mark* HEY! Are you trying to scaring her away, IDIOT!

Hawk: *sweat drop* What are you so hot and bothered about?

We see people are chatting and drinking.

Melissa: *offscreen* Well, don't worry about gathering intel, y/n will handle that. Just focus on your waitressing today. The important thing is to relax while you're out there, if you're having any trouble y/n will be there for you.

Elizabeth calmed down a bit knowing that y/n will be there for her.

Elizabeth: R-Right! I'll be relaxed!

Y/n: Alright, come on Elizabeth, let's get to work.

Y/n hands to Elizabeth a couple cups before going to his tables, not even a few minutes a shriek and thud. Y/n looked over to Melissa, Griffon and hawk. Melissa deadpanned while hawk and Griffon had sweat an anime drop. He follows their gaze to see a customer with ale poured all over him with Elizabeth apologising profusely at him while bowing.

Elizabeth: *bowing* Sorry! I mean it, I'm so sorry!

Elizabeth: *holding the food tray* You didn't order this? Then who...

Y/n is behind of Elizabeth and tap on her shoulder make her look on her behind and he pointing at right table.

Y/n: It is right there. *smile*

Man 1: Over here.

Elizabeth: Oh right, thank y/n... *going to table* Coming!

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