Chapter 8: Even if you should die

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Now this chapter is longest and enjoy to read.

Talking: hi
Thinking/telepathy: 'hi'
Demon talking: hi
Demon thinking: 'hi'
Yelling or demon yelling: HEY/HEY
Whispering: {hi}
Action/feelings: *hi*
Spell/magic: [hi]
Authors note: (hi)

Look my ideas story please choose one of them for next month and I'll make one of them story ok.

And enjoy the chapter.
No one POV

—————————————————————————No one POV

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10 years ago and unknown place

???: Hey, Cap'n... *make Cap look at ???* C'mon! Lemme have a look at that sword.

We see the giant creatures dead and we see y/n, Melissa and ??? Known as Bella sitting on rocks and they have campfire.

Bella: What's so interesting about this piece of junk? Why would the captain of the Sins always carry a piece of junk with her wherever she goes? *stand up and walk around the campfire and y/n to Melissa* It'd be weird if I wasn't at least a little curious.

Bella went behind Melissa then bent down and grab the handle of Melissa sword.

Bella: C'mon, show me.

Melissa drop the cup and grab her sword to stop Bella from take it make y/n look at them.

Melissa: *Serious look*Let go, Ban.

We see Diane sleeping then woke up and sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she see them.

Diane: What're you two still doing up?

Melissa: Let go, Bella. Don't make me angry.

Bella: *grin* Cap'n... Angry? I've been with you for many years, but... *widen eyes little* I haven't seen you get angry once.

Melissa: Let go.

Camera change and we see behind Bella to see Diane and y/n look at them but y/n glance at them.

Bella: Besides, I'm curious as to why you're called the Dragon's Sin of Wrath in the first place.

Diane: *surprise looks* Bella, what are you doing to Captain?!

Bella: *grab a handle with two hands and pull it out but Melissa won't let her* All this talk of Cap'n actually getting angry makes me really want to see the sword— no, to steal it!

Then Melissa sliced to Bella's neck and blood fell out then Bella jumped back and licked the blood and touch her neck where Melissa cut.

Bella: So that's Cap'n hidden side. *put her hand out her neck* A new discovery.

Melissa: *her hair cover her eyes* I'm sorry, Bella, but this sword is...

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