Chapter 6

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(Let you know)

Talking: hi
Thinking/telepathy: 'hi'
Demon talking: hi
Demon thinking: 'hi'
Yelling: HEY
demon yelling: HEY
Whispering: {hi}
Action/feelings: *hi*
Spell/magic: [hi]
Authors note: (hi)

No ones POV

In the forest of white dream we see Gilthunder is walking to the group with combat armour and sword.

Gilthunder: We meet at last, Sins.

Scene change we see the group are covered by lightning wraps bonds.

Diane: This power...

Melissa: Yeah, no doubt about it. You're a Holy Knight, aren't you?

Elizabeth: G-Gilthunder... Gilthunder, is that you?!

Gilthunder ignored her and stay his attention was fully on the three sins.

Elizabeth: W-Why are you doing this? Why would you...

Melissa: You know this guy?

Elizabeth: *look at Melissa* Yes. He's a Holy Knight who was my father's attendant. *feedback from little Gilthunder and little Elizabeth are talking and offscreen* He's the son of Zaratras, the grand master of the Holy Knights at the time, *onscreen* and he was a fixture at the palace. I've known him since we were little.

Melissa: The grand master's son? Hang on, are you Little Gil? Hey Y/n! It's little Gil!!

Y/n: *question face* Huh? *look at Gil* mmm... nah he is not little Gil.

Melissa: Huh? What you mean he is not Gil!! He is real Gil right!! Have look at him again!!!

Y/n: *look at Melissa with confusion look* Huh? *look at Gilthunder again and few moments then he realised she is right and his face become surprised* Oh! Wow! You are actually little Gil.

Elizabeth: You know him too?!

Melissa: *look at Elizabeth* Sure, we give him lesson a few times when we were at the palace! *look at Gilthunder* Wow, you sure have grown! No surprise, it has been 10 years...

Gilthunder: If you have time to prattle on like this, perhaps you should spend it thinking of now to escape those bonds.

Elizabeth: H-Hey, this lightning is...

Y/n: You know, this lightning seems familiar. When someone blocked up Vanya's water supply and then tried to blow away the village, that was you both times, wasn't it?

Elizabeth: That's crazy talk, Sir Y/n! You're wrong! Gilthunder would never...

Elizabeth looked into Gilthunders eyes to see him staring with no emotion on his face. Her eyes widen as she realises that it really was him causing all that pain and suffering for the people of Vanya.

Elizabeth: *take one step back* Oh, no...

Diane struggles in her bonds.

Diane: There can't hold me...

Gilthunder: That won't work.

Her bonds grew tighter.

Y/n: Diane, don't bother. If you do then it'll grew more tighter. 'And it will be best view' *smiles*

Diane: Y/n...

Gilthunder appeared behind Melissa and pressed his sword against her neck.

Gilthunder: Do you know why the Holy Knights are after the heads of the Eight Deadly Sins?

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