Chapter 7: A Little Girl's Dream

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Hey there, I am so sorry I be gone long because I got a exams and I have to keep up with exams but now I finally finished the exam. I'm sorry I didn't finish off this chapter.

Now I'm back!

Now this chapter is longest and enjoy to read.

Talking: hi
Thinking/telepathy: 'hi'
Demon talking: hi
Demon thinking: 'hi'
Yelling or demon yelling: HEY/HEY
Whispering: {hi}
Action/feelings: *hi*
Spell/magic: [hi]
Authors note: (hi)

Hey, I am let some my new ideas story and please choose one of them for next month and I will make one each of them story.

And enjoy the chapter.
No ones POV

In the forest of white Dream we see Melissa with injuries and smiles at Gilthunder with deadly glare at her.

Melissa: Baste Prison and the Necropolis, huh?.... I'll go check out one or the other. *rub the dust off on her cheek*

Gilthunder: Ah, I see. You deliberately took my blow to learn the whereabouts of your fellow Sins.

Y/n: Yes, just like old times when she use her oldest tricks when she did it to me.

Diane looks at y/n with confusion face.

Diane: Y/n, what you mean?

Y/n: *look at Diane then look away with embarrassing face* D-don't worry about it? 'Damn you Melissa, you make me worry you when I was almost get naked and saw you are got injuries'

(Yes when Melissa use fake injuries to make y/n come to save her without clothes but he use a towel to cover his... you know what I mean and I will show you his feedback)
Feedback before Zaratras death

We see Y/n in the bath and relax but he hear noise on outside of door and he get out of bathtub and open the door then he saw Melissa on floor with injuries and he was shocked and ran to her.

Y/n: OH GOD!!! *he pick her up* MELISSA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!

Melissa open her eyes and see y/n abs and Melissa nosebleed with happy face like she see heaven and she don't want to miss it.

Melissa: 'AAAAHHHH ITS A BEST SHOW EVER!!!! I DON'T WANT IT END!!!!' Hey~ y/n how your bath day~

Y/n: -_- ....

End Feedback
Back to Melissa and Gilthunder

Melissa: Hehehe, yes that's right. 'This is beat tricks ever' So anyway, let's pick this up later, 'Kay?

Gilthunder: I think not.

Gilthunder clenched the hilt to his sword and slashed at Melissa who dodging his attacks by appearing behind Gilthunder and he looks behind him glare at her, any seconds later he starts keep attacks her who keeps dodging.

Gilthunder clenched the hilt to his sword and slashed at Melissa who dodging his attacks by appearing behind Gilthunder and he looks behind him glare at her, any seconds later he starts keep attacks her who keeps dodging

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