I need help for Question?

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Which use weapons for sacred treasures and not?

Do you want put y/n look like Vergil or Nero or bio?

Which wing you want for y/n normal?

Do you want Hawk and Griffon be friend?

Do you want y/n be pervert to his harems like Meilodas did on Elizabeth or not?

Do you want put y/n name stronger 8 deadly sins?

Do you want put y/n vs Ten Commandments or y/n and Melissa vs Ten Commandments or Melissa vs Ten Commandments? (If you chose y/n vs Ten Commandments that when he die then back alive and unlock some form and stronger)

Do you want y/n give the perfect amulet to Elizabeth to keep safe?

Do you want update clothes for bio on season 2 or keep them?

Which one you want red or blue for wings (Angel Bringer) and Devil Bringer?

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