CH 5

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"Luke shut up." Tori said putting her finger over my mouth.

It was time to go to bed and Tori went back home. At least that's what the boys think. Tori walked out of the house and drove her car to one of her cousins house, which happened to live in the same neighborhood. Then she came back here and snuck in through my window. This girl's a ninja I swear.

"You always talk about penguins when you're tired. Now shush and get some sleep you idiot." She giggled.

"But I don't want to go to sleep. I want to talk to you." I said. She smiled and sat up. I sat up and sat across from her.

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked. It was so dark I could barely see her.

"Life. So how's everything going?" I asked. She giggled.

"Pretty good now. Life sucked without you." She said.

"Aww! The feels." I said wiping a fake tear. She laughed and pushed me, causing me to fall off the bed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Luke you okay? Did you fall out of the bed again?" Ashton's voice asked behind the door.

"Yep! I'm fine!" I shouted back.

"Okay! Get some rest!" Ashton yelled before he walked away.

"Again? How many times have you fallen out of the bed?" She giggled.

"Shut up and kiss me." I said. She put her hand on my lips and pushed my face away laughing.

"You're such a dork." She smiled her nose scrunching up. I smiled, she was so cute.

"Well then, you're in love with a dork." I said taking her hand off of my mouth. I smashed my lips on hers and she kissed back.

"Dude are you kissing your hand again?" Michael called. Tori pulled away laughing.

Michael opened the door. "Why is Tori here? I thought she went home."

"Michael-" Tori started but he cut her off.

"What's going on here?" He asked. I sighed and looked at Tori, she nodded.

"Come in and sit down." I said. Michael walked in and locked the door behind him. He sat in between Tori and I.

"Tori's my girlfriend." I breathed out. His jaw dropped.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Let me explain this to you. So Tori and I dated before we were even a band, we were pretty serious. But when we got into a band and we became more famous we drifted apart. We didn't want to end it, but we had to. It was hurting us both. At the radio interview, I saw her and I knew that ending it was the worst mistake I've ever done. I've never stopped thinking about her. So just earlier today we started dating again. I couldn't be happier." I said with a smile.

"But I thought you liked Calum." Michael said to Tori.

"As a friend. Don't friends pretend to be in love with each other or is that just Liz and I?" She asked. I smiled.

"Uh just you and Liz." Michael said. "So you two are dating?"

"Yeah. Please don't tell Calum, I don't want this to end our friendship." I said. Tori nodded.

"Okay fine. Can I tell Ashton?"

"Yeah, just make sure Ashton doesn't tell Calum." Tori said.

"Wait! That's why you have a hickey! Because you and Tori were making out." Michael said with a smirk.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Dude it's so noticeable." He said.

"Anyways. Goodbye Michael." Tori said pushing him out. She locked the door and sat next to me.

"It feels good to tell someone about us." I said taking her hand in mine. She put her head on my shoulder and nodded.

"I love you Luke." She said.

"I love you too." I said kissing the top of her head.

Michael P.O.V.

I walked along the sidewalk with Liz at my side. Liz and I couldn't sleep so we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. I looked at Liz as she talked about her and Tori's friendship. Her eyes were glued on the sidewalk in front of her. I smiled. She was so beautiful.

"So yeah, basically Tori and I are the weirdest pair of friends ever." She said smiling.

"You two are inseparable." I said. She nodded.

We stayed silent. She looked up at me and smiled. I stopped in my tracks. She stopped and took a few steps back.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just, you're so beautiful and I can't hold back my feelings anymore. Liz I know we've only known each other for a day, but I love you. I know love is a strong word, but I'm positive about it. I've never been so sure about anything in my life. From when you first stepped into that house, I fell in love. I know I'm rushing things, but will you be my girlfriend?" I said. She held my hand softly and I looked up at her to see her smiling at me.

"I would love to." She said before I smashed my lips against hers, she kissed back. I smiled into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck.

"First time a girl didn't reject me." I said as she put her forehead on mine.

"You're no longer a reject, because I accepted you." She said smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

I didn't believe love at first sight until now.

Reconnected // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now