CH 7

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Garret left a few minutes ago and Luke was texting me non stop.

Luke: Hey you okay?

Luke: Where are you?

Luke: Babe did I do something wrong?

I put my phone on silent and went to the guys house.

I walked inside and I saw Ashton with a shocked expression.

"You're dating Luke?" Ashton whispered. I nodded.

"We cannot tell Calum." Ashton said. I nodded again.

"Hey where is Luke?" I asked.

"He's in his room." Michael said.

I walked into Luke's room and saw him playing around with his stuffed penguin.

"Hey Lukey." I smiled. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey!" He said happily. I sat next to him and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry I was late. My friends found out about you and I and Stacy got really mad. Now my friends hate me, well everyone but Garret." I said.

"Stacy? Stacy Richards?" He asked. I nodded. He rolled his eyes.

"I hate her. She was all over me in middle school." He gagged. I giggled and patted his back.

"Where's Liz?" I asked.

"She's in Michael's room. Michael said they're dating now." He shrugged.

"I knew it!" I shouted.

"We should get back out there, before Calum gets suspicious." He said.

We walked into the living room and sat down casually. Calum walked into the room. It looks like he just woke up. He looked up and smiled. We all smiled back.

"What are we doing today?" He asked yawning.

"Lets go to the beach!" Liz yelled running into the room. I laughed and walked up next to her. I put my arm on her shoulder.

"I'm in." I shrugged smiling.

"The beach it is!" Ashton shouted.

"Oh shit. Liz come on, we need to get out stuff for the beach." I said.

Reconnected // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now