CH 17

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We got to the place I work at, I took a week vacation so I haven't been to work lately. I took Destiny inside with Liz behind me.

"Hey Tori!" Shirley smiled.

"Hey Shirley! One I quit, I don't mean to be harsh, I love you guys. I'll visit all the time. Also Destiny's taking my place." I said.

"Destiny? Her? She's the best interviewer in the state!" Shirley said. I nodded.

"Well we got her fired because we hugged her and they aren't supposed to hug their guests and I think it's fair if we get her a new job." I said with a small nod.

"Well of course! Destiny can you start now? One of our interviewers is sick." Shirley asked. Destiny smiled and nodded following Shirley into a room.

I went out and got into the car.


Ashton dropped Tori and I at her place. Liz wanted to go with Michael so yeah. I sat on the couch and Tori did the same.

"When are we going to become public?" She asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "I wanna say how lucky I am to have you, but I don't want you to get any hate."

"It's fine. I'm used to it by now." She shrugged.

"Oh they uploaded our interviews. Lets watch yours first." I said picking up Tori's computer. I put in the password, which she told me.

I pulled up youtube and clicked on their interview. We started watching it.

"Alex Gaskarth huh?" I smirked. Her cheks burned up.

"Shut up. I like lead singers." She said. I smiled and looked back at her computer.

Once the video ended I shut the computer and sighed.

"We should go public." I said.

"I agree. We should make a video about it, to tell my fans, then you can retweet my video to tell your fans." She said. I nodded.

"Come on." She said already walking up the stairs. My mind just went into a dirty place. I'll shut up.


I put my camera on my tripod and sat on Liz's bed. We would record in my room, but it's a huge mess. Luke sat down and I turned the camera on.

Reconnected // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now