CH 11

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I walked outside, which is pretty rare, and saw Ashton kicking his feet in the water.

"That was pretty harsh if you ask me." I said. He turned around and then looked down at the water.

"I feel bad. I shouldn't have said any of those things. I'm the one who made Tori cry and he was just looking after her. I'm a bad friend." He said before sighing.

"Well, Luke left. He uh, left with a few of his things and he isn't replying to any of my texts or calls. I have no idea where he might be." I said. Ashton stared at the tree.

"He left?" He asked sadly.

"Yeah. Yeah, he did." I let out a breath. "I think he might be with his mum or with Tori, but I'm not sure. I don't want to find out now, because he needs some time to relax."

He nodded and I walked back into the house. Ugh I hate the sun. Lets never do that again. I saw Calum watching spongebob on the tv. I rolled my eyes and sat down, just when my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hey Liz." I smiled.

"Hey Mikey!" Liz said happily. Calum told me to put her on speaker so I did.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Well Luke came over and he's staying with us for awhile. He was really upset when he got here, but Tori is spending time with him and he seems happy." She said.

"That's great. Did he ever say anything about the other boys?" I asked. Calum seemed to be listening closely.

"No, I don't think he wants to talk about it, but Tori told me what happened. She seemed kind of upset too. I asked her why and she said she doesn't like seeing Luke sad. This doesn't just effect Luke, it effects Tori." She explained. I glanced at Calum.

"I know. Ashton feels really bad for saying what he said to him in the car." I sighed.

"Wait. Listen carefully, Luke and Tori are talking." Liz whispered.

"Luke, please don't cry." I heard Tori say. Then I heard Luke's crys.

"I feel like all of this is my fault, like everyone hates me." Luke said.

"I don't hate you. Liz doesn't hate you. Michael doesn't hate you. And I'm pretty sure Ashton doesn't hate you either, he's a nice guy and I bet you he wishes he could say sorry." Tori said.

"I don't know what to do." Luke said.

"Then don't do anything right now. Just enjoy yourself right now and don't worry about it too much. It can cause depression and I don't want you depressed. You'll know what to do when it comes to you, it just hasn't come yet." Tori said. How is she so wise?

"Hey Liz, how does Tori know so much about this stuff?" I asked.

"She was bullied a lot by her best friends in school, they aren't friends anymore, but she felt like she did something wrong. So yeah." Liz sighed.

"Tori was bullied?" Calum asked. I told him to shush.

"Wait, Calum's there? I do not want to talk to him." Liz said rudely.

"Okay, okay, you're not going to anyways." I said.

"Good. I have to go now, bye." She said.

"Bye." I said before hanging up.

I sighed and put my phone up. Calum huffed.

"He's so weak. Crying, pfft, dork." Calum smirked.

"What's wrong with you? Can't you see you're breaking this band apart? Will you just stop? You're making Luke feel worthless. You're making him feel bad." I said.

"Good, he took something I loves away from me. He deserves it." He said.

I looked at him and shook my head. I got up and started walking away. I paused.

"What happened to the Calum Hood I knew? The one who would do anything for his best friends." I said before walking into my room.


"Hey Luke, you okay?" I asked as he walked by. He shrugged and rubbed his eyes, which were red and puffy.

Tori came out of her room and sat next to me. I gave her a worried look and then glanced at Luke. She also looked worried.

"Am I worthless?" Luke asked out of no where.

"Worthless? No, Luke, you're not. You mean everything to me. Worthless means to have no meaning. Which makes you not worthless, because you have a meaning. You're here to make people happy with your amazing voice and your smile." Tori said. She always knows what to say, even if it is to some stranger.

He smiled slightly and then it faded. A tear slipped down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. He sat down next to Tori and put his head on her shoulder.

"So do you guys want to do anything tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. What should we do though?" Tori asked.

"The park and maybe Starbucks." I shrugged.

"I'm in. How about you Luke?" Tori said. He looked up at her and nodded.

"Yeah." He said.

"Yay! Coffee tomorrow!" Tori shouted. Luke smiled at her.

"Oh shit, Liz, I think our P.O. boxes are full. We should get that some time this week to make a video." Tori said.

"Yes! I haven't made a mail video in like forever." I said. Tori nodded in agreement.

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