CH 15

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"Ashton how did you even get here? Why are you even here?" I asked confused as I kept my eyes on the road.

"Well I like to come out here for some fresh air and I walked." He shrugged.

I glanced at Luke who was staring out the window. He looked like a little kid who watches the trees fly by. I smiled slightly. I parked in the parking lot of Mcdonalds. Luke looked at me confused.

"Who else wants to go on the playground and order a kids meal?" I smiled. Luke smiled and nodded.

"Yay! Come on Luke!" Ashton shouted.

"Wait for me!" Luke yelled running after him. I smiled and walked into Mcdonalds.

I went up to the counter. I turned around and saw Ashton and Luke already on the playground. I rolled my eyes smiling as the guy walked up.

"Hello. How can I help you?" He asked smiling wide.

"3 kids meals please. Fries, no apples. Ew gross, healthy." I shivered. "And 3 chocolate milkshakes."

"Kids? Are you married?" He asked with a slight smirk.

"Ha! No. I'm here with two dorks, and we all want kids meals." I shrugged smiling.

Someone put their arm around me. I turned to see Luke. He didn't look happy. The guy looked terrified.

"Here. It's on me." Luke said handing the guy the money. The guy took the money and stood there nervously.

"How's life Gordon?" Luke asked.

"Good." Gordon, I suppose said.

"Wait, you two know each other?" I asked. Luke nodded.

"Here you go." Gordon said handing us our food.

"Thanks." Luke said snatching the food from him.

I followed him to the playground.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"He bullied me in middle school." Luke said. "He was hitting on you."

"No he wasn't." I said. He gave me the really look.

"Yes he was. Trust me, I know." Luke said.

"Lets play!" I shouted taking his hand and pulling him up the stairs.

Reconnected // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now