Dear Future Husband

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Shai POV

Theo and I have been together as close friends since the beginning, as soon as he was casted for the role of "Four" in The Divergent Series, we just kinda clicked.

We have this odd sexual tension, if you could call it that, which is to the point where we're both legitimately on top of each other and force ourselves not to become friends with benefits. I want nothing more that for that not to happen.

The other day after a long day on the set of Allegiant Part One, Theo ran up to me, out of breath like he usually is, and asked me out to dinner. I wouldn't necessarily call it a date, but I almost hoped that it would be.

I said yes, of course, and immediately set out for my trailer no more than five minutes ago.

Once I arrived at my trailer, I started pacing. What if I wear the wrong thing? What if he doesn't like me that way? All kinds of questions are racing through my head at the moment.

I pick out a small, knee-high dress with some type of blue Aztec print for the top half, and solid black for the bottom part of it. I decide on gold and black heels as well.

I paced in my trailer, deciding whether or not I should change or not. Just as I was about to change, I hear four loud knocks, "I'm coming in, Shai, so if you're naked stay that way!" I hear Theo yell and I giggle, he always managed to make me feel better.

He walks right in, clad in a black suit and tie, as well as a blue dress shirt, which happens to match my dress. I grin, "We're going to be those people, Theo?" I say with a giggle and he chuckles deeply.

"That was purely by accident, Shai, I swear," he says, his American accent fading.

I grin and look around my trailer for my phone that I'm forced to have for set purposes. I had insisted on a flip phone, but the producers insisted I have the newest, an iPhone 6. I pick it up and go to grab my small change purse and Theo stops me, "I'm paying, you don't need any money, love," he says.

I try to fight the smile that forms on my lips when he calls me that, but I can't and I blush because of it. I apply some Chapstick, since it that awful time of year again, and I groan when I don't have a pocket, "Theo?" I ask.

"Yes, love?" He asks.

I smile and blush again, "Can I keep my Chapstick in your pocket? That's why I was going to bring my change purse but apparently I'm not allowed to," I say and he chuckles.

"Of course, Shai, here," he takes my Chapstick and shoves it into his pocket, "remember where it is, because I might forget and just not give it back to you."

I giggle, "I don't really care, Theo, you can keep it if you want," I say smiling.

He chuckles and takes it out of his pocket, "Can I use it?" He asks and I giggle and nod. He takes the cap off of it and uses it, "This is good, Shai, come here," he pulls me close and applies some more to my lips and I giggle.

"Theo!" I squeal.

He chuckles and puts the cap back on and shoves it in his pocket, "That's my way of claiming you, Shailene," he says and takes my hand, walking out of my trailer.

We walk out to his jeep together and I lay back, "Your jeep is so comfortable," I say with a moan.

I hear Theo chuckle, "I guess so?"

I close my eyes and I feel Theo buckling me up, "What are you doing?" I ask him.

He click the seat beat into place, "I would never forgive myself if I got into an accident and you got hurt, Shai."

I smile and open my eyes to look at him, "You're such a good person, Theo."

He smiles and grips my hand as he starts the car and pulls out of the set party lot.

I turn on the radio with my free hand and I squeal when one of my favorite songs comes on. Dear Future Husband, by Meghan Trainor. I squeal again and begin belting out the lyrics, "Take me on a date! I deserve a bae! And don't forget the flowers every anniversary! Cause if you treat me right, I'll be the perfect wife! Buy groceries, b-buying what you need!"

I'm about to continue singing and Theo bursts out laughing, "What song is this, Shai?"

I blush, "Dear Future Husband," I mumble.

I see him grin out of the corner of my eye, "I wanna be that to you, Shai," he mumbles just loud enough for me to hear and my head snaps to see him.

"W-What?" I ask, completely stunned.

I hear the final lyrics as Meghan sings them, "Dear future husband, better love me right," and I see Theo grin again.

"I wanna be your future husband, Shai," he says and removes his hand from mine and squeezes my upper thigh.

I bite my lip, "Theo...."

He is still smiling, "I'm serious, Shai, I want to marry you."

I look at him, "Theo...."

He pulls the car over, "I love you, Shailene Diann Woodley, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," his eyes meet mine, "when you're ready, of course, and if you even like me that way. I mean God, you probably don't even like me as a friend, so why would you ever want to marry me, let alone be my girlfriend....." He looks down.

I unbuckle my seatbelt, "Theo, look at me," he lifts his head and meets my gaze, "I love you, too."

His eyes light up and he leans across the center console in the jeep and presses his lips to mine.

I grin and climb over the console and into his lap, "I love you, Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptikilis, I love you to the moon and back - but that isn't merely how much I love you, that isn't even half of how much I love you," I the skin right between his eyebrows, "I love the way you look at me like I'm already yours. I love the way you hold my hand tight when I'm nervous for an interview. I love how you comfort me when I need you most. I love how you drop subtle hints about how much you love me, even when I never noticed before," I hold his cheeks, "but most of all, I love the way you love me, Theo, and I love you too," I press my lips to his and wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls away lightly and meets my eyes, "I love you so much, Shai, so goddamn much."

I smile wide, "Dear future husband, here's a few things you need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life," I sing softly, deciding to make my own lyrics that song absolutely awful, "take me to a comic con, we need to get it on-" I hear Theo burst out laughing as I continue, laughing as I go, "and don't forget my mason jar every single day, 'cause if you treat me right, I'll be the perfect wife, buy organic food for me, b-buying Cheetos that you need," I stop and burst out laughing.

I hear Theo laughing as well, "This is great, Shai, just great," he kisses my cheek, "I love it. It's our new song."

"New song? What was it before?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Show me your genitals."

I burst out laughing, "Theo-that's so funny!" I keep my hold on him.

"So, we need to get it on? I think I can do that right now, Shai, would you like to get it on?" Theo asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I giggle, "Get in the back, hot-shot, I'm running this show," I say sternly and he smirks as I climb into the passenger seat so he can get into the back seat.

I climb on top of him and grin, "You gotta work on set, and baby, so do I, so don't be thinking I'll be home and making food for you," I sing softly and giggle before his presses his lips to mine.

After today, I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off him.


Was this any good? I was bored so I made the Sheo version of Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor, in case you didn't know. So, how are you guys? I'm very bored because I woke up far too early, I went to bed at 8:30, woke up at 12:00, then I've been awake since 6:30..... *sighs* oh well.

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