Chapter Three: Don't You Know It's Raining?

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Hey guys! Here is Chapter 3! It's a little long and there is some slight violence ahead so beware!


"Waiting in a car, waiting for a ride in the dark." 

-Midnight City by M83

I awoke the next morning to cold air. My throat ached and my hair was still wet from my shower. I went downstairs to find my dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"Good Morning." he said solemnly, not looking up from a newspaper. "Hey." I replied softly before going towards a cabinet. "What are you doing?" he asked. I could hear the paper rustle as my hand rested just inches away from the cabinet.

"Getting some breakfast." I said slowly. "Tsk. Tsk. Not today, Irina." It sounded like I asked to go to the beach, not to have something to eat. "Why not? Haven't I done everything you've asked?" I said, turning to him.

"Excuse me? Who stuffed her fat face at dinner last night?" My stomach dropped as I thought of the small portions I had forced down. "Anyway, to work off what you ate, you need to clean this kitchen. Poor old woman can't do it herself." he said, walking over to the cabinet I had just reached for.

 He pulled open a drawer and revealed a lock usually used for a bike. I squinted in confusion before he took it and closed the tow large cabinet handles together, turning the combination lock violently once it was closed.

"All the food's in here...don't even think about it." He left the room and I stared mournfully at the cabinet. I exhaled deeply and started into the other cabinets, my stomach rumbling mercilessly with each empty one I explored.

By the time the clock in the hall chimed for 1 PM, I had cleaned up most of the kitchen. Old dishes were neatly stacked in dry places. The trash was awaiting a trip to the dump on the back porch, and the floor had just been cleaned, the white tile gleaming with new life. I brushed off my hands and stood, my hair falling into my face.

"Why are you standing?" I jumped and looked to see dad in the doorway. "I'm finished." I said plainly. He advanced towards me and took a chunk of my hair in his hand. He then proceeded to drop to his knees, shoving my face into the tiled floor. My hair started to cloud my vision along with the damp floor. "Does this look clean you!?"

"Y-Yes." I coughed. "Get the hell out of here!" he spat, dropping a twenty by my head and standing up. He left me on the floor, fighting back tears with my face burning in pain.


The day was cold and rainy as I grabbed my keys and headed down the stairs of the house. The hoodie I was wearing didn't take long to become soaked as I jumped into my car. I blasted the heat as I switched the Sirius station to As I Lay Dying. I pulled out of my driveway not looking back.

 I lived about 15 minutes from town; the secluded house being the ideal place for writing. The rain got harder and I flipped on the windshield wipers, dubbing the headlights. I took a sharp corner and came to a long stretch about halfway down the mountain. Between the sharp swipes of the wipers, I could see a figure.


I do not drive. Yeah I have my license, but that came with a lot of panic attacks in Drivers Ed. So even though the rain had picked up, I did not once go back to grab the truck. Instead, I pulled my hood up on my jacket, and kept walking. While I walked, I tried to think of ways to cover up the fresh bruises on the side of my face. Tears started to stain my cheeks, the warmth stinging me and fighting the cold drops that smacked my face. I heard a low rumble and jumped as a car passed me at incredible speed. I waited for it to disappear, but instead it slowed and started to back up. My stomach dropped as I started to enter the woods.

"Hey, do you need a ride or something?" I jumped at the sweetness of the voice. I turned to see the rude guy from the supermarket. His hair was dark and his eyes were that brown. There was a loud song coming from his car. I just stood there until he spoke again. "It's pretty cold...and wet out here." he remarked, glancing behind me into the woods.

"I promise I won't kill you." he said, flashing perfectly white teeth. I nodded and he unlocked the passenger side door. I slid in. I was so self-conscious about ruining his car seat. I shut the door and he rolled up the window.

Shivering, I sunk deeper into the seat and he flipped some switches. Soon warm air was caressing my face. He turned the music down and glanced over at me.

"I'm Chris...what's your name?" he asked.

"Irina." I said softly. He sped around a turn. I gripped his door and prayed to God that he didn't notice my disdain.

"Well Irina, I must warn you that not all people have good intentions like me." he said jokingly. "T-Thank you." I choked out. "You're welcome. Now where am I taking you?" he asked, shifting gears.

"You can just drop me off in town." "So uh, if you don't mind me asking, why were you walking? It is raining if you didn't notice." I dropped my eyes. "I like the rain." I mumbled, staying quiet. "Okay, I like it too." he tried. I swallowed hard. He left it at that, I didn't talk much. Once we reached the town, I started to shift. He parallel parked next to a store with an awning. "I'm sorry for bumping into you yesterday." I blurted.

"It's no problem...but I will feel really bad if I just dropped you here with no way home." he said, running a hand through his hair. "It's alright, I'll be fine." I said quickly, getting out. I started down the sidewalk and jumped when he appeared beside me.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly. "You don't have a ride home, and I have nothing to do." he replied as I glanced at his car. I checked my watch. If dad thought I was walking I would have ample amount of time, but should I allow this beautiful stranger to be so good to me? I continued down the street, stopping at a store window as something caught my eye. I stepped into the store, the guy...Chris was his name? right behind me. "So uh what's your last name?" he asked as I shook off my hair and glanced around the store. It smelled of potpourri and had a sense of old people. "Davenshire." I answered as I examined different trinkets. "Yours?" I asked, not having anything else to ask. "Cerulli." he grunted. I gasped as I found a vintage book laying on one of the tables. I gently picked it up. It was one of the first publications of Through the Looking Glass. I skipped through the pages and checked the price. $89.00 was not a pretty price. I let my shoulders fall and started out of the store.

Luckily Chris didn't follow me. I took advantage of this and started towards the supermarket which was less than a mile down the street. The rain had cleared up and now the sky was just dark again. I heard the sound of rushed footsteps and turned to see Chris running to catch up with me.

"You can't get away from me that easily." I gave him a playful smile as he caught up with me. For the run he had made he was not breathing heavily. "Shall we continue on your outing?" I sighed. "Sure." "You lead the way." he said, stepping out of my way. After I grabbed the few groceries, we were back in his car, the rain starting up again. "Just tell me when to turn." he said, his eyes locked on the road.

"Y-You can stop here." I said, panic rushing through me. I didn't want him to know where I lived. And I didn't want dad to see me either. He slowed down at the mouth of the dirt lane. I gathered my belongings and started out of the car.

"Here's my number, in case you need a ride again." he said, handing me a piece of paper. I started to giggle. "What?" he asked, his smile coming back.

 "Do you do this for every girl you pick up off the side of the road?" I asked. He shook his head and pressed his lips together. "Only the pretty ones." I coughed a bit, my face turning red.

"Well I better go. Thank you for the ride." I said quietly. He reached over and opened my door for me. I got out and started down the lane. He sped off and my heart leapt.


Chapter 3...yay! Let me know what you guys think! Comment, vote, and follow if you'd get in the car with Chris XD

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