Chapter Sixteen: Sing for Me

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"I'm sorry for the way I am, I never meant to be so cold." -Cold by Crossfade



"Little Red!" I screamed as soon as I reached the house.

Little Red, I liked that...wouldn't mind being the big Bad Wolf as long as she was involved.

There were so many tracks in the snow that you couldn't tell Allie's size six from my size 12.

"Wait, she's not with you?" Allie and Ryan ran up to me, Allie's face bright red from exhaustion.

"No, isn't she here?" I asked, my gut starting to ache. Ryan shook his head. "I can't find her."

"What about the guys?" Angelo sat on top of the hood of his car, flipping off the device we used to take the service from their phones. Gotta love eBay.

"Have you seen Irina?"

"Not since we took off into the didn't find her?" I looked to the woods and started running.

"Chris! Dude wait! It's dark as fuck out there!" I didn't care, I needed her. She must be so cold. I hated the thought of her being cold.

I ran to the same place where I had first stopped and flipped on the flashlight on the phone. I knelt down and looked closely at the shoe print.

They were guy's shoes, same size as mine. My mind screamed. I needed to find her. Now. "Irina!" I screamed into the darkness. I heard the guys come from behind me.

"Split up and find her! Now!" The all ran in different directions and I started forward, following the tracks. They circled around and came to a clearing. My flashlight was not very great, so it was hard to see the whole thing at once.

"Irina!" I screamed again, my voice becoming consumed by tears ready to fall. I turned to my right and started circling the perimeter of the clearing. Soon the disc of light illuminated her body. Her eyes were closed, she was unconscious.

"Irina!" I dropped to my knees and pulled her into my arms. "Guys! Guys she's here!" I screamed. There was blood. I located her cut hand and pulled off my jacket. I wrapped my jacket around her hand and shivered a bit as my Misfits T-shirt billowed in the breeze.

Footsteps sounded moments later.

"Guys we need to get her warm." I instructed, scooping her into my arms.

I was not going to lose her, not this time, not ever. We started back and in the glow of the flashlight I could swear I saw a shadow dart from the clearing and into the night.


"I wrapped her hand, she's got a bit of bruising where I guess she fell...she really needs rest." I didn't know Devin was a doctor. I pried my eyes open, the biting cold of the night gone and replaced with the familiar faces I knew.

Chris' face flooded in relief and he immediately kissed my forehead.

"What happened out there?" Allie asked. She was back underneath my feet, rubbing them to create better circulation.

"I-I- fell." I said, uncertainty filing my voice. "Irina." Chris sat on the coffee table.

"I saw the prints. Was he out there?" His eyes were stern, his whole body screamed testosterone. I looked to Allie and then back to Chris. The guys all bore into me with their stares. I started to cry, unable to help myself.

"Goddammit!" I screamed, burying my face in my hands. I gasped in pain as I remembered how he had cut me. I heard Chris stalk away, open the door and slam it.

"N-No! Come back!" I shouted, trying to sit up.

"We'll get him. Don't worry Lil Red." Josh assured, moving me back to my position. The guys left the house, going to get Chris.

"Come on, let's get you warm." Allie covered me in another blanket and took a seat in the armchair near the front windows. "Girl code?" I nodded, but I was more worried about him.


"Come out you ugly bitch!" I was pissed. No more than pissed. I was going to rip him to shreds and feed them to my fans. He was fucking dead.

"Chris! Dude! Come on!" Angelo shouted from behind me. Their flashlights painted an epileptic's nightmare on the forest that lay before me.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I growled.

"We know. We get it. She's like our baby sister, but running around the woods in the middle of the night is not gonna solve anything." Josh said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away.

"I don't care!"

"You care about Irina, don't you?" Ricky's voice stopped me from walking further into the woods. I nodded.

"Being out here is only gonna make her feel worse. Go back inside and be there for her. Save this shit." I nodded again.

He was right...another day. But I was gonna kill him, maybe not now but I was and when I did, he'd wish he'd never met me.

Cough, cough, wheeze. The sound woke me from my place next to Chris. For the past two days he had felt like absolute death, something we assume he caught while running around in the snow in sneakers. I immediately shot up.

"Christopher, wake up." I said. There was a rocky cough and Chris came to.

"W-What's wrong?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"Nothing, you just need some water." I said softly as he pushed himself up higher.

"Oh fuck I feel like shit." he groaned in between sips. "Shh." I said softly as I leaned against the headboard.

"You know you shouldn't be this close to me. I don't want you getting sick." he said in a raspy voice. "I can't be sicker than I already have been." I said, taking the water bottle from him.

"If I wasn't for you, I'd be recording some sick growls." he said playfully. I chuckled as he put his head back down on the pillow. I pushed the hair from his eyes and gently patted my lap.

"Here, lay down." I said as Chris positioned his head in my lap.

"Sing to me." he said softly.

"Sing? What?"

"I don't know. Anything." he said, a cough interrupting his sentence. I started rubbing his head.

"Sing me to sleep. Sing me to sleep. I don't want to wake up on my own anymore." I sang softly, running my fingers through his hair.

"I love that song." he said lazily as his eyes closed.

"There is another world, there is a better world. Well there must be." His breathing slowed to the low hum of sleep.

"Well there must be."


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