Chapter Eleven: Fear Confirmed

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"Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly." -Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne


I said it...finally. I kissed her forehead once more and headed off with the guys to go get ready.

"Man, I like her! A lot!" Angelo said, clapping me on the back.

"Thanks, she's so perfect." I was so flustered I could barely hold it in. I had finally said it!

We started going over our plans for the evening when my pocket started buzzing. Confused I reached for my phone...that wasn't the one.

It was Irina's phone.

I started to leave, to be sure she had a way to contact me. As I pulled it out to have it on hand, I noticed a name. William Hart. The phone buzzed again, then again, then again.

I swiped the screen and opened the Facebook app. My gut ached as I read the messages.

I will find you! I will kill you, you little bitch!

Just you wait! You betrayed me!

Next time you see me, you will wish you'd never met me!

Fury took over me and I immediately typed back.

Stop contacting Irina now.

Who the hell is this?

No one you need to know unless you continue to cause trouble.

Listen up badass, I don't know who you are but you better get out of my way when it comes to that whore.

Don't ever contact her again.

I turned off the phone and threw it onto the table in our dressing room. It angered me that this weirdo was talking to her like that. I put it past me and began to get ready.

If he was smart he'd stay away from her.

My Irina...I liked the sound of that.


Chris was the whole band was amazing! Their set was more than great and they had more fans than any other band there. Allie and I stood near the back of the crowd. People were jumping into other groups of people. Something Allie explained was crowd surfing.

I ducked out of the way as some short girl with pink hair jumped into the poor normally-dressed girls in front of me.

"Alright, I want all the ladies in the house tonight to do something for me." Chris said before starting another song. "I want all of you to scream as loudly as you can right now." The room erupted in deafening cheers.

"Eh, that was alright, there's one problem though. Not everyone was cheering." he said, his eyes landing right on me. Allie nudged me.

"So let's try that one more time." he said, his eyes landing on me. As they cheered, I let out a small one, raising my hand like the other girls did.

"I'd ask you to do something else, but I can't hear anymore." he said, laughing. The room erupted in laughs as the next song started.

Right before their last song, Chris stopped the music.

"Okay guys thank you so much for coming out. This is our last song for the night, but before we go home, I want to acknowledge a very special person."

My heart started to pound and my mind reached two scenarios. He was either gonna call out some girl, or me.

"Irina, come on up here." Allie pushed me forward and I started to make my way through the crowd. Two burly security guards nodded and lifted me onto the stage.

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