Chapter Five: Do You Ever Get Cold?

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Hey all of two people that are reading this...thank is chapter five. Enjoy!


"Won't you come out we can paint the town red. Kill a little time you can sleep when you are dead."

-Where the Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers


I glanced down at the seat as I neared my house and found a piece of paper. I flipped it open and found a check. "Shit." I muttered. She had forgotten it. I made a quick turn and started back to her house.

I didn't want to get her in trouble, so I parked a few 100 feet away in an abandoned driveway. I trudged through the soft drizzle and was able to use my phone to light my way. When I came upon the house I was quite surprised.

It was beautiful, like some place I would live. I trudged around, trying to figure out where she might be.


I was able to stand and make my way over to the window. It wouldn't take much for me to kill myself now. I could just jump and end it. Gone, poof.

I was able to wrap my jacket around my hand and bust out some glass so I could move to the sill.

Glancing out, something caught my eye.

A light, faint, flashed across the yard. I squinted trying to focus.

"Ow! Shitmotherfucker!"

"Hello?" I whispered. The voice grew silent.




"Hold on I'm coming up."

"N-No, I don't think you understand how high up it is."

"I've got it! Parkour."

I watched as he quietly slinked himself up the siding and onto the roof. In a little over 5 minutes he was climbing into my window. He shook off his hair and then took in his surroundings.

"Why are you in your attic? Wouldn't it have been easier to be in your room?" I tried not flinch too much as I moved to the bed and finally sat down. "This is it." I said quietly. He glanced over at me, my finger to my lips.

"You're fucking with me." he replied his voice low. I shook my head, dropping my eyes. He moved to sit beside me.

"You live up here? I'm a pretty hardcore mother fucker but even I wouldn't stay up here." I giggled. "But yeah this is my room." I muttered, leaning back against the wall. I was surprised the cot fit both of us.

"Oh yeah." He stood, retrieved something from the pocket of his skinny jeans, and sat back down. "You left this is my car." He handed me the damp piece of paper. My check. The little piece of paper that had gotten me a bruising. "Thanks, but could you hold onto this for me?" I handed it back to him. He didn't ask any questions, just tucked it into his jacket. I figured it was better off in his hands anyway.

"Oh yeah, and this." He handed me a small package wrapped in tissue paper. I pulled it open to find the book I had been looking at in the pawn shop. "Chris..." "Before you say anything, it's a one of a kind. And I couldn't resist the offer." I smiled and chuckled softly.

I flipped open the cover and ran my finger down the spine. It reeked of mildew but I didn't care. At one time the book was beautiful and happy...kinda like me.

"Do you ever get cold?" he asked after a long silence. I dropped my eyes to my tattered jacket. I did a lot, but how can you become cold when your whole heart is frozen solid? "Sometimes." I whispered, clutching the book.

He slowly peeled off his jacket to reveal a hoodie that read Slipknot on it (another band I wasn't familiar with). He stood and walked further into the room disappearing. He came back a few minutes later with a thick piece of fabric and some duct tape. He went to the window and worked, covering the whole thing. I instantly felt warmer.

Once he had finished, he joined me on the cot again.

"Now you won't be." he said unzipping his jacket and handing it to me. "Chris-" "No take it." he said, placing it over me like a blanket. It was warm and smelled of beautiful cologne. I pulled my legs close to me and he scooted closer. I winced at his warmth and he noticed. "Sorry." he mumbled, moving away.

"What's it like being a rock star?" I asked, my eyelids growing heavy.

"It's amazing to have the power to help people." he said, resting his head against the wall. I let my eyes close against my will, my ribs aching with each breath.


Sorry the chapter was so short! More to come and hopefully more people will read lol. Comment, Vote, and Follow my darlings!

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