fight - fluff

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beomgyu closed the bathroom door and as soon as it was closed, he leaned his back on to the door and started sliding his back down until his butt reaches the floor.
he had just gotten into a little argument with his boyfriend, yeonjun because earlier, they went to a party and while beomgyu was talking to soobin, he noticed a girl talking to yeonjun, she had so much makeup, it made her look like a clown, even though she doesn't need makeup to look like one...

while the girl was talking to yeonjun, she was weirdly and annoyingly her chewing gum and twisting a part of her blonde hair, this made beomgyu grip his red cup of "apple juice".

yeonjun on the other hand didn't notice anything, he was just having a regular talk with the girl, not noticing how she was trying to hit on him, that's when she started leaning in and whisper something in his ear.

beomgyu saw and harshly put his cup down and immediately started speed walking towards the two.

"beomgyu, what the heck are you doi-" soobin didn't have enough time to talk to beomgyu because he already filed off to yeonjun and the girl.

"hi babe!" yeonjun said, sounding like if he had the most normal and casual conversation with the bratty snob girl, beomgyu looked at him with the most sarcastic smile, the girl on the other hand kept eyeing beomgyu, looking at him up and down, beomgyu noticed this and gave her a death glare, signaling her to just leave and to never come back, the girl did so either way.

"are you okay, what's wrong?" yeonjun asks, beomgyu, instead of answering, took his wrist and pulled yeonjun outside of the party,things were about to get a bit harsh...


"gyu I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to slap you, I'm so sorry!" yeonjun could be heard from the other side of the bathroom door.

yeonjun heard quiet little sobs and sniffles, he sighed and put his arm up to knock again but then stopped, I should give him some time... yeonjun thought before going to his and beomgyus shared bed, fallling on it with only his clothes he was wearing at the party and drifted off to sleep but before that he kept thinking how bad he fucked up I should've noticed how she tried to hit on me, it's my fault, not gyu's...


beomgyu opened slowly and quietly the bathroom door to be met with a passed out yeonjun on one side of their shared bed, he sighed and went to his closet and changed to his pijamas, nothing else but a simple plain white shirt with a pair of nike bike shorts that reach till the middle of beomgyus soft and shinny thighs.

he laid down on the other side of the bed which was facing the wall and the window so that means yeonjun is facing the bedroom door, while looking at the wall, beomgyu thought about how yeonjun yelled at him and gave him a slap, beomgyu slowly and gently touched his cheek that yeonjun slapped, he let out a sob, loud enough to wake yeonjun up.

yeonjun turned around just to be met with beomgyus back, he got up from the bed, making creaking noises, it obviously made beomgyu immediately stand up, he was met with yeonjuns eyes.

yeonjun saw beomgyus face and when he processed and scanned it enough, his heart shattered, beomgyus cheek was a very painful red, his eyes red and puffy from crying while some tears kept falling from his eyes and his hair messed up, "oh baby.."
yeonjun said while running towards beomgyus side and giving him the tightest hug.

beomgyu didn't care if yeonjun was hugging onto him to death, he rested his face into the orders chest while crying and sniffing.

yeonjun kept repeating until a pair of lips shut him up, beomgyu kissed him, he put his arms around yeonjuns neck, and yeonjuns hands cup the younger's jaw, the kiss was slow and soft, neither wanted to let go, as if they would stop then they would be separated forever, but eventually one of them needed air to breathe.

they both pulled apart, both panting, beomgyu lowered his head, but yeonjuns finger held his chin which made beomgyus face look up at the older, "I love you." yeonjun whispers while putting his forehead onto beomgyus, beomgyu giggling a bit before intertwining his fingers with yeonjuns, foreheads still pressed together.

"i love you too."


well, this is the first oneshot I've ever made so if there's any mistakes, pls don't tell me bc im not gonna fix it either way. 😭
I'll be making more so get your shopping bags ready 🥸.
this is the only thing I put my effort on.
786 words in total. <3

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