Chapter Six: The Diary

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The steam from the shower filled the hotel bathroom. Hot water clung to the grey marble walls of the shower, and the clear plastic door. Paige's eyes were closed , so the only things she heard were the sound of thunder and lightning and rain falling outside, water falling inside, and her plentiful sighs.

She sighed again as she washed her hair. So...she was an ancient concubine. A concubine to one of the evilest things in existence...

She shuddered, not wanting to think about it. She reached out to the clear crystal-looking handle and turned the heat up until it began to turn her skin pink. Then she began to rinse her hair.

This was Paige's favorite way to deal with things; she liked to wash away her problems. The steam from the heat seemed to wrap her up in another world, far from reality, sort of like when she used to hide under the sheets on her bed. Her mind was clearer in the white warmth, so she could think of a good solution to her problems, or daydream them away.

Of course, she also enjoyed shopping. Maybe tomorrow she could get all dressed up, maybe wear that new red dress she'd bought, maybe get some gifts for her family in America and her friends in England, maybe get some new shoes, maybe...

Paige shook her head, hard. She must be in denial or something to be thinking about going on a shopping spree at a time like this!

No reason to be in denial, thought Paige sarcastically. You just rose a mummy from the dead and you are his ancient concubine he fell in love with. No reason to be in denial at all!

She sighed, but had to admit: she always did have difficulty facing her problems. She preferred to escape them in any way possible: Daydreams, romance, music, getting into a little more trouble.

She put conditioner in her hair as thunder roared. She really needed to de-stress, and the thunder was making her nervous. Making her wonder if maybe those plagues were coming, like maybe fire was about to start falling from the sky, or maybe the water she was showering in would turn suddenly to blood, and –

Boom! A huge explosion of thunder, a loud crack of lightning, and the lights went out, leaving her in pure darkness.

Paige felt a scream rip from her throat. She scrambled to open the shower door, but her hands kept slipping from the water. She reached for the water faucet handle, putting her head under the waterfall of the shower as she reached down and turned it off. Once the water was off it was easier to get a grip on the handle, and she threw the shower door open. As she tried to get out she tripped over the ledge of the shower. She hit the floor hard, hitting her head on the counter on the way down. The top of her foot stung where it'd scraped the edge, the knee that had taken her weight was throbbing, and her forehead practically screamed with pain. She gave a short cry and touched her forehead and felt something sticky. Blood. She reached up and grabbed the counter of the sink and pulled herself up.

She jumped when she heard three heavy knocks on the door.

"Paige, are you alright? I heard you scream!" came Alex's muffled, worried voice on the other side.

"Hold on!" Paige exclaimed as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. She ran out of the bathroom, and straight into Alex.

"Alex!" she cried as she buried her head in his chest.

"Are you okay?"

"It's dark!" she exclaimed.

"Well, the lights went out."

"Thank you, Sherlock!" Paige screamed in annoyance, even as she held the towel up with one hand to wrap another around Alex.

Alex patted Paige's shoulder awkwardly. "So what scared you?"

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