Chapter Eight: Lunch in Paris

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Alex's eyes popped open suddenly as a loud beeping sound woke him. He repressed a groan and turned off the alarm clock, and then glanced to his left to see if he had woken up Ardeth. He wasn't even in his cot.

"Must've just gone for a morning run, or something," Alex mumbled to himself.

Alex slipped out of bed and grabbed some fresh clothes from his suitcase and went into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his hair and teeth, and used some of the cologne Paige had gotten him for his birthday. After dressing, he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his script and wallet, and left the hotel room and headed across the hall to Paige's room.

He planned on waking her up, ducking all objects thrown at his head, and dragging her out of bed and out into Paris so they could have breakfast out in the city, maybe do some sight-seeing. They'd be spending the night locked up in a theatre, after all.

He had taken out the extra key he had stolen from his mother and was about to use it to open the door when he heard voices inside.

"I know you're worried, Ardeth," Paige sighed, "But they need Alex and I. The performance is tomorrow night. We can't back out now!"

"I am not worried about Alex," Ardeth replied. "The Creature is not after him, he is after you."

"Like he's even going to know where I am!" Paige exclaimed, frustrated.

"He knew you were in Paris, did he not?" Ardeth countered, "And you say this competition is popular. That means he will find out that you are in this competition, and will easily capture you tonight."

Paige was silent for a moment. "He can't get to me with all those people there. Someone would catch him."

Ardeth sighed. "How will it hurt him if hundreds of people see him capture you? He is not a normal man. He does not care who sees him or not...he knows no one can stop him."

"Unless he doesn't have his powers...this spell was different, remember?"

"We cannot know that for sure, it is better to not risk your life for no reason."

Paige was silent again, seemingly trying to come up with a comeback.

"Look," she practically shouted a moment later, "I'm performing tonight, and that's it! You are not my parent...I mean; I don't even know you! How dare you tell me what I can and can't do!"

"I am the only person who can protect you from the Creature," Ardeth said, almost growling. "But if you do not care about your own safety, there isn't much I can do to save you. If you prefer, I will take this up with Evelyn, who is responsible for your safety. Perhaps she will have you sent home."

Paige let out a loud growl, and there was a 'bang' as she threw something against the wall.

"FINE! Let's compromise," Paige said. "I'll talk to the director about letting you backstage. But I am going to perform...if I have to run away to do it!"

Silence. Alex bit his lip, wondering if he should try knocking now...

"Difficult child," Ardeth said, sounded defeated. Alex stumbled backward as the door swung open and Ardeth left, not even seeming to notice Alex. Paige stepped forward, her arms folded and her face scowling. She was about to slam the door shut when she noticed Alex.

"Nasty fight," he commented.

"Hm," Paige responded, spinning around and going to sit on her bed. Evy had already gotten up and left with Rick to see the city.

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