Chapter Thirteen: Confusion

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Author's Note: It's all filler. I'm so sorry. If I keep combining chapters I'll run out before the series is finished.

"Okay, I'll see your dishes and raise you arranging the books in the library, in alphabetical order," Paige said, writing it down on the piece of paper.

Alex sighed. "I fold."

"Hah!" Paige smiled and pushed the pieces of paper with chores written down on them towards him. "You get to do the dishes, take out the trash, mop the dining-room and clean my room."

"Blast," Alex mumbled as he picked up the cards and put them back in the box. Paige laid back down in the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I want to go outside," She moaned, looking to the other side of her bed. "I'm FINE."

"I still think we should wait another day," Alice said, barely looking up from her book.

"But I've been in bed a WEEK, and all I did was collapse once. I was tired. Running away from a Mummy does that to a person."

Alice sighed and shut her book.

"I tell you what. You get something important to do, and I'll let you go."

Paige sighed, and then looked at Alex. "Alex, you want to hang?"

"'Hang'?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow. He sat down next to her again.

"Hanging out with Alex doesn't count," Alice said.

"Darn," Paige crossed her fingers. "Let something come up, let something come up..."

Ring. Ring.

Paige picked up the phone that sat on her bedside table.



Paige repressed a squeal. In a fit of insanity, she had given Josh her phone number and called him 'cute for a Goth' before they left the airport.

"Hi, Josh! What's up?"

Alice looked up from her book again. "Josh? Who's Josh?"

"Not much. Uh...I was wondering if I could drop something off for you," Josh asked.

"What?" she asked.

Josh laughed. "Oh, just something. I think you'd like it."


While Alice kept demanding to know who Josh was, Paige gave him the address and hung up.

"Josh is a guy I met on the plane. He's from Texas, he's an exchange student, and he's giving me something," Paige said, and then flung the covers off, and stood.

"Hey!" Alice exclaimed. "I did not tell you that you could get up!"

Paige stomped her foot and rolled her eyes before turning to face her sister. "Look. I'm fine. Want me to walk a straight line or something? I mean, gosh, Ardeth even says I'm well enough to walk around, and he's the most protective person I've ever met!"

Alice hesitated then sighed. "Fine. But if you-"


"Hold that thought!" Paige exclaimed, and then raced Alex out of the room, down the hall, and down the stairs, and she had almost beat him to the door when Jonathan appeared out of nowhere and opened it.

"Dang it!" both Alex and Paige exclaimed.

"Oh, hello, Josh," Jonathan greeted the person on the other side of the door. "I guess you're here to see Paige, huh?"

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