Chapter Fourteen: Happy, Happy Birthday

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Author's Note: Have a bonus chapter because apparently the last chapter never published. Sorry about that.

He was surrounded by priests. They walked through the hall, walking towards the throne-room. The hall had no roof, so that when the sun shone onto the gold that filled the hall, it would shine so brightly that it would show all those who had the honor to approach it that the owner was as great as the Gods.

On each side of the hall stood statues resembling the Gods, and the one which held the place of honor to the right of the magnificent doors which led to the throne-room was the statue of Re. Standing in front of the statue was a young girl...possibly one of the new concubines. Imhotep was shocked for a moment; her hair was golden! She must have been one of the Pharaoh's favorites. She appeared to have been examining the architectural work of the statue...Imhotep almost smiled. A concubine who admired fine architecture? That was unusual...and a pleasant surprise.

However, as he neared he saw her eyes moving from right to left. Was she...reading? Her head snapped around and she looked directly into his eyes. Her brown eyes had a panicked look to them...she had been reading! Imhotep's eyes narrowed to her. He knew he should report this...but he did not want to. He could not blame someone for wanting to learn. He, after all, had always been a priest, and therefore was not expected to know anything other then what was necessary for being a priest. However, he had learned architecture and medicine as well.

She was allowed to read. It was dangerous, after what had happened the last time, but she was allowed. He broke eye contact with her as he passed, and kept his eyes locked ahead of himself until he walked through the doors at the end of the hall.



"Ahhh!" Paige screamed and jumped, falling out of the bed and hitting the floor hard, elbows first. "Ow!"

"Sorry," Alex mumbled, and offered a hand. She took it and he pulled her off the floor.

"No problem."

"So..." Alex said. He aimed his fist at her like he was holding a microphone. He made his voice sound loud and more mature. "Paige Woods, you just turned seventeen. What are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to Disneyworld!" Paige exclaimed loudly. She paused, then said, "Actually, I'm going downstairs for Alice's chocolate-chip Belgium waffles with homemade raspberry syrup, which is much better than Disneyworld."

"What?" Alex asked, shocked. "Better than Disneyworld? NOTHING is better than Disneyworld."

"You've never been to Disneyworld."

"Point being...?"

"Race you downstairs!" Paige screamed as she ran past him.

"Not fair!" Alex shouted, chasing after her. Paige laughed as she ran down the stairs. She ran into the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday!" Alice said cheerfully as she put a plate on the table and headed back to the kitchen to pick up another of the plates that sat on the counter.

"Thank you," Paige said and picked up two of the plates. She lifted one to her nose and closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. Two chocolate-chip waffles with raspberry syrup and whipped cream, fresh raspberries garnishing each plate. The scent was wonderful and reminded Paige of happy times at home. There had been happy times, once.

She headed to the table and set the plates down. Alice followed and set the rest of the plates down.

"You cheated," Alex said as her arrived at the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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