Chapter Nine: The Show

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"Crackers. Snickerdoodles."

"...I don't think using fake food-based curse words are going to help much, Paige."

Paige had been mumbling under her breath about the missing diary since leaving the hotel. Things hadn't gotten much better since they had gotten backstage. In fact, they had gotten worse after Paige's zipper got stuck.

"Would you prefer I use real curse words? Because I really can, you know," Paige glared over her shoulder at Alex as he went around to help.

"Why aren't you in the girl's dressing room getting help from, I dunno, a girl?"

"Because," Paige made a face, "They all hate me."

"Why would they hate you?"

Paige rolled her eyes. "Oh, I don't know. Because I'm some American chick who came to visit the famous Alex O'Connell, joined the drama club, and then took the lead role in the biggest high school drama competition in the world?"

Alex finished zipping up Paige's dress, thanking God he hadn't caught the gold silk.

"I am not famous, my parents are," Alex mumbled. "And not everyone hates you. Fiona likes you."

Paige grinned. "Yeah, but I think that's because Fiona is incapable of disliking anyone. She's basically the nicest person in the world. And Fi's American originally, so she's extra nice to me asking questions about it."

Alex nodded in agreement. "Oh, and speaking of Fi, now that you have your costume on you need to go get your makeup on. Room two."

Paige grinned and took off for the room around at the other side of the stage. She nearly slid off her feet when she came to a sudden halt at the door, but when she regained her balance she swung it open and seized a tall brunette.

"Fi!" she shouted in delight.

"Paige!" the brunette exclaimed equally joyously, throwing her arms around Paige's neck. The girls both laughed and, after a minute or so, released each other.

"How was the trip to Egypt?" Fiona asked. The two hadn't seen each other since Paige had left for Egypt, since Fi hadn't been able to make it to the rehearsal the day before due to some kind of emergency with the family she babysat for she needed to fly home for.

She led Paige to a chair that sat in front of a mirror. In front of it was a long counter that had all different kinds of makeup set up. Fi pushed Paige into the chair.

Paige took in a deep breath, trying to come up with a way to best sum up her 'vacation' in Egypt. "It was...exciting."

"That's it?" Fiona asked as she pulled back Paige's hair and clipped it out of her face. "What did you see? And why are you back so early...?"

Paige grinned. "Long story, I'll tell it to you later."

Fi frowned. "Okay...promise?"

"Promise. Now, makeup me." Paige gave her brightest smile.

"Yes, oh great princess," Fiona grinned, and then sighed. "I can't believe I got roped into acting."

"You're the only one who can dance well enough to be Nehebka."

"Oh, honestly. Anyone else could have done it," Fi said, shaking her head slowly.

"No way. You're underestimating yourself. Plus, you need more acting experience," said Paige.

"I really – oh, sorry!" Fi winced and took a step back after poking Paige in the eye with the eyeliner. "I usually don't do that...but normally I'm not chatting with one of my best friends."

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