Chapter Twelve: Sisters

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The door of the mansion swung open, and the group walked in, exhausted and dizzy with jet lag. They dropped their luggage in the entryway by the other antique-looking suitcase and all headed for the kitchen, being thirsty from the however-long-it-had-been-that-seemed-forever drive to the house. Jonathan had poured Evy, Rick, and himself some scotch while the others were getting some water when they all stopped.

"Um...wasn't that-" Paige started.

"Why is there an extra suitcase in the entryway?" Evy asked no one. They all stood and walked back into the hallway to examine the suitcase.

"Whose-?" Rick started, but a voice interrupted them.

"It's mine," said a trim blonde young lady as she came down the steps. Her voice was sweet and very soft. "I hope you don't mind, but I was very tired from my flight so I went upstairs and slept in Paige's room."

Rick, Ardeth, Alex, and Jonathan looked very confused, but Evy smiled.

"Of course I don't mind, Alice," she said. Paige ran up to her and wrapped her arms around the woman.

"Alice!" she screamed into her ear.

"Paige, hello," She said. "Can you not scream in my ear?"

"OH! Sorry!" Paige pulled away. "I mean..." and she dropped her voice to a whisper. "Sorry."

"Who is that?" Rick demanded.

"It's my sister!" Paige exclaimed. "Alice!"

"That's your sister?" Jonathan asked doubtfully.

"Yes!" said Paige.

Jonathan leaned over and whispered to Alex, "How old is she?"

"Who, Alice? Eighteen. Why?"

"Damn. She looked older. Never mind."

"What is she doing here?" Rick asked sharply.

"Oh, you," Evelyn said and lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"No, it's alright. He deserves to know why I broke into your house," Alice laughed lightly. "I came to check up on Paige...with everything that's going on, I wanted to make sure she was alright."

"That's my sister, always checking up on me," beamed Paige.

"...and to take her home in two weeks."

There was a short silence. "What?" Paige asked in shock.

"The judge wants us to sit in court. It's about custody."

"Oh," Paige said softly. "Right."

"She cannot leave," Ardeth said, surprising both Alice and Paige.

"Why not?" Alice demanded, looking the strange man up and down. It was obvious she didn't understand the tattoos on his face, either.

"Because your sister is in danger."

"What?" Alice asked, turning to Paige. Paige forced a laugh.

"Oh, you know those Med-Jai. Always joking around."

"Med-jai? What is...?" Alice asked, and then headed down the stairs to look Ardeth face-to-face. "What are you talking about, 'danger'? What has she gotten herself into now?"

"Hey-" Paige began to object, but Alice turned to her and said,

"You do get yourself into trouble quite often. You may not mean to, but you do."

Paige shrugged. "I guess that's true."

Alice turned to face Ardeth again. "What do you mean 'danger'?"

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