Chapter Seven: Paris

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Author's Note: Look. I have no excuse. I was sixteen at the time, I should have known better. So please, embrace the cringe and go along with this random side adventure that makes zero sense. It doesn't last too long, I promise.


A group is only as fast as its slowest member.

Paige couldn't remember where she'd heard that, but it came to the front of her mind now.

The problem? Paige's group was six; Imhotep's was one. Not to mention the suitcases.

She suddenly realized that horror movies weren't very credible. Yes, if your life is in danger you should drop everything and run. But after you get away – then what? You'd have no clothes, no money to buy clothes (or to buy anything at all), and no identification. So the only choice Paige could see was to run like hell while carrying the suitcase.

As she turned the corner, Paige ran her shoulder into it. The sharp pain brought her back to reality.

Imhotep was trailing them. The staircase wasn't an option anymore...if anyone was on it, they wouldn't be able to get around fast enough. So they had to run for the elevators.

If they didn't reach the elevators in time – ten feet ahead! – Imhotep would catch them. He was eight feet behind.

Nine feet to the elevator. A girl was trying to get into her hotel room. Jonathan knocked her to the ground trying to get past her. Imhotep gained another foot.

Eight feet to the elevator, Imhotep seven feet behind them.

Seven feet to the elevator, Imhotep six feet behind them.

That wasn't counting how long they might have to wait for the elevator. And Imhotep was gaining speed. At this point, it would be impossible to get away. And what would Imhotep do to them when he caught them?

Six feet to the elevator, Imhotep four feet behind them.

Someone was opening the door ahead of them. As Evy ran past, a man who looked like he could beat up Arnold Schwarzenegger stepped out of his room, blocking Imhotep's path.

"Ihatep!" Imhotep shouted. Beside her, Alex snorted.

Five feet to the elevator, Imhotep seven feet behind them.

Paige's lungs were burning, worse than she could ever remember. But then, she never had to run for her life from an undead mummy before.

Four feet to the elevator, Imhotep six feet behind them.

I better have lost weight doing this, Paige thought, trying to force her body to move faster. Her lungs burned, her muscles ached and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She risked a glance behind her and noticed Imhotep had been able to get around the bodybuilder.

Three feet to the elevator, Imhotep four feet behind them, but gaining speed again.

Jonathan reached the elevator first and hit the 'down' button.

Two feet to the elevator, Imhotep three foot behind them.

The doors opened, and they were fortunate: no one was inside. Jonathan darted in, followed by Alex, Rick, Paige, Ardeth, and finally Evy. Jonathan hit the 'close doors' button repeatedly, quickly as he could. Imhotep reached inside, but Evy slammed the suitcase on his arm, and Rick kicked him back. They watched as Imhotep's face slowly disappeared. Before the doors shut, they saw him turn and head to the staircase.

For the first ten seconds, all that could be heard was heavy breathing. Even Ardeth was out of breath.

"Plan?" Paige finally managed to choke out.

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