Harry does a little jog over to the bed and hops up, doing the most so I know he's giving me his full attention. "Ok where were we?"
I groan and toss my head back to the ball of my neck so I'm seething at the ceiling. I've been staring at this blank bullet point list for half an hour. "I just don't know! This is our first kid so I don't know really what I'll want and what'll work to distract me from the pain." Harry shrugs, taking my hands in his, running his thumbs over my palms. "You love all this stuff, don't get too in your head about it, just think about it," He takes my laptop from me and types something in. "Google says... to include stuff like if you want medication, who do you want with you, me I'm hoping," I chuckle and nod.
"Just looks like you list all of your wants for you and babes, while in labor, the before during and after. Start with something easy, do you want medication? And what do you want me to say to maybe help you?" I take the laptop back and fill in the info, remembering all the midwifery stuff I've filed away in the back of my brain over the years, "I really wanna be all natural. Because I know my body knows how to do this. As for you..." Harry smiles, "I can use all my affirmations and stuff I use for when you're having your panic attacks, that'd help." I nod. "That would. It'd help me if you stayed calm. Like if I see you being calm and I see you're not scared, it'll help me not be scared." Harry kisses my shoulder. "That'll be a bit hard since I'm sure I'll be scared shitless love. But I'll try my best. Oh! Didn't you want your brother there as well?"
I nod, grabbing my iPhone, getting ready to text him. "Yes! Actually I wanted... I wanted to see if he'd deliver the baby... here." Harry's eyebrows raise in surprise, his lips pouting out in his thinking face. "I should've seen that coming, you hate hospitals. But your brother?"
I nod. "Yes, he's fully trained as an EMT to also deliver babies if need be and he just sees this as part of his job, like he can separate his job from me. But since his family and job cross paths in this way, he'd just think of it as his job and once the baby's here, he can go into uncle mode once everything's over and done with." My brother has always been my best friend, we're attached at the hip, he'll be practically raised me. "Plus he makes me feel safe," I nearly whisper. He taps his chin and nods in confirmation. "Whatever you want to do I'm cool with." I smile, grateful.
"What is my part?" He asks. "Do you want me to not touch you during contractions, if you use the bath or shower, do you want me in there with you? Do you want to deliver on your back?" I type away, his questions really helping me jog ideas in my brain and finish this. "That's another thing," I point out. "No matter what happens, don't let my brother convince me to give birth while laying on my back, it's common but not the best position to progress."
Harry puts his chin in his hand and watches me gush about my special interest. "Why didn't you become a midwife? You're amazing at this stuff." I smile at the compliment. "I need you to remind me I'm safe, to not question me, and if I get loud, just don't get scared. Getting loud could help. Also!" He smiles every time I add another thing as I remember pieces to add to his little checklist of how to help me. "A few days before we think it could be time, I need you to keep some light snacks around the house that I could use for strength. Like popsicles, smoothies, and fruit." He puts the list in his phone. "Yes ma'am. I know it sounds silly but I feel so much better knowing my role like this." I hug him as we're sitting chest to chest and he rests his head on my shoulder. We both are helping each other feel better. "I love you." "I love you too, Snuggles."
So once we slip into bed that night and I'm finally feeling secure in my plan, we've agreed I'm having a natural home birth with my brother with us as well.
As I'm getting the house ready for the home birth over the next week, I stop in my tracks as I'm doing laundry one day when I notice Harry sends me a video titled 'Welcome Baby Styles'. It seems he got everyone to film and send him a little clip of them welcoming the baby to our big family. With a big smile on my face I click play.First up on screen, I see Harry sitting on the floor in our closet next to his pile of Chelsea boots. "Hi bubbas, it's dad. I thought to make this lil video so everyone who loves you so very much can say hi and welcome to this crazy world. So, uh, oh god, why am I so awkward." Harry pauses, collecting his nerves, taking a breath and starting over. "Dang lovely. You're finally here. And you're real... I've heard your heartbeat and felt you move... but it's so weird that you're not just a distant dream anymore. Well I love you so much and can't wait to see who you become mister. Mama can't wait either. She's probably crying right now seeing as how I'm keeping this video a surprise from her." He's right, my hormones are making me absolutely lose it.
"Anyways, I should probably let some other people say hello to you. So... here's your uncle Louis, he's a bit crazy but we love him. Also.. never listen to him, he's a troublemaker." The camera cuts and I see Lou's smiley face. "Hi bubba! Lemme tell ya a secret," he lowers his voice. "I knew about you even before your daddy did." He stares off at a point beyond the camera for a second before continuing. "And I was and still am so excited for you. You and I are gonna be thick as thieves bub. We're gonna be best friends! And I know your parents are probably a little worried because I'm a bit crazier than all your other uncles but don't worry, I'll keep ya safe. But we'll have a lot of fun. I can't wait to teach you footie too.. I'll finally have a footie partner to play with!" I smile, the first thing Louis thought of when he learned we are expecting was he finally had someone to play footie with. Louis sighs contentedly, "I love you baby T..." he smiles. "That's all your mama gave me, you're baby T, she hasn't let me know your name yet. I guess we have to see you in case you don't look like the name they chose." Lou stares into her camera suddenly getting serious. "I was laying in bed last night remembering memories of your mom and I and how many fights I got into protecting her from the... crappy bullies over here when we were in school. And I want you to know that if you ever get bullied or kids are meanies to you, you come to me. Come to me and I'll beat someone up for ya, got it? Ok, I've rambled long enough, next up is your grandma Anne I believe. Alright, love ya kiddo. See ya soon."
The camera cuts again and then focuses on Anne knitting what looks like a Fine Line themed baby blanket. The patterns are half blue and half pale pink as she knits it over her lap Harrys old rocking chair. "Hi baby T!!! I'm your grandma! And of course I'm knitting you some cozy things while we wait for you to arrive..."
I end up on the couch that night, cuddled in a blanket playing the Welcome video over and over again.
Hi lovelies!!! I know you don't usually see a chapter like this in books that follows a pregnancy but I really like this one!!! Please give me any feedback you have! Also I haven't had anyone use the baby's name because I MAAAAAAY change it last minute. You'll find out baby styles official name in his birth chapter! Love you all!!! Hope you enjoyed!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...