As soon as Harry, Lennon and I got home from the park I got a call from my mum. Harry takes Lennon up to his bed to continue his nap he succumbed to after playing his heart out and have a snuggle to give me privacy on the phone. Turns out my mom called to tell my cousin is graduating from college and my aunt invited me to the party and ceremony. And it seems like a perfect time for a road trip, just me to see my family while Harry stays with Lennon. Harry and Lennon could come with me but Harry doesn't want himself or Lennon to take away the attention from my cousins great accomplishment just by attending with me and he wants me to have a sort of girls trip.
The day I leave, I'm up early triple checking I have everything I need and wanting some extra time with my boys instead of sleeping till the last minute.
Harry and I are sluggishly putzing around the kitchen, eating and chugging coffee in hopes of gaining some energy for the day. "Hi." Harry mumbles, sitting next to me at the bar of the kitchen counter, leaning to kiss my shoulder, putting his chin in his hand as he watches my slow sleepy movements. "Hi. I'm gonna miss my lovies..." I look toward the stairs and pout as I imagine Lennon noticing I'm gone and crying out for me. "He's gonna be s-so sa-ad." I stutter as a shiver goes down my spine and my eyes spill over with tears.
Harry sighs, swiping the pad of his thumb over my cheeks to wipe my tears away. "Oh bubby, don't cry. He'll be fine. You know that. I'm perfectly capable of being on my own for a few days with Lennie. Hell, if I need help. I can call my mum or one of the boys."
I nod, putting my face in my hands, knuckling my wet eyes. "No, no I know. It's just... I'm gonna miss him. He's such a mamas boy. And he's gonna be a right terror when he realizes I'm not there when he wakes up. I don't want him to be horrible to you.." Harry pulls me into his chest, running his hands through my still messy bed head. He chuckles. "I know I'm not gonna be who he wants but I'm the next best thing, yeah? Look, bub, he'll be fine as long as he's distracted. And well have fun. And you'll have fun. And you'll distract yourself plenty too, huh? And I'll of course send you a thousand photos over these next few days. So many that he'll never want to be in photos ever again once you get home!" I nod, pulling back.
Exhaling a big breath, I sigh, "I love you H." He smiles squeezing my hand as I attempt to shoulder all my bags but Harry runs up and quickly stops me, instructing me to sit and wait while he's being the gentleman he is by taking all my bags to my car for me.
While he's out at the car, I take my chance and run upstairs to Lennon's room to peek in at him one last time. It's just a few days. Just a few days. Just a few days, I chant in my head as I slowly open his door and check on his still sleeping figure in his crib. We really need to get him a "big boy" bed soon. His pacifier is next to his cheek and his stuffed lion is tossed carelessly at the other end of the crib by his feet, clad in his frog pajamas. "Hi bubby. Mamas gonna miss you so much." I whisper, studying his face. I want to give him a hug so bad but I don't dare pick him up in case he awakes because then poor guy will just be weepy and cranky for Harry. So I sit cross legged right outside his crib, reaching into the bars and taking his tiny fist in my hand, quickly pressing my lips to it.
I'm now in the car but I'm still hesitating to actually pull out of the driveway and leave. Damn separation anxiety. Harry squeezes my hand as he's hunched by my open window. "Go. We'll be fine. Have fun. I'll hold down the fort. Ok?" I need a little more convincing to actually leave; Harry can see it on my face and in my eyes. He pulls out his phone pointing at it. "Hey, y'know the iPhone now has this cool new feature called FaceTime so you can see who you're talking to! Maybe we can try it out after dinner?" That gets me to chuckle. Harry, proud of himself affectingly pinches my cheek. "You'll pick up whenever I want?" I ask. He nods. "Go! Your moms gonna be calling you soon for a report on how far you've gotten you know how she is!" I nod and finally roll up my window. Harry makes a funny gesture like he's shooing me out the driveway and waves at me like I'm a soldier off to war as I drive away out of his sight. Maybe my departure took too long but I did it. I smile to myself, deciding to reward myself with Starbucks once I get officially on my way.

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanficHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...