Wanted to put some drama in this story so there will be some fighting :)
Wanting a weekend to catch up on sleep the laundry and to have some quality time for me and H, we let Anne and Robin take three month old Lennon for the weekend.
Harry shooed me out of the house with the babes in his car seat with a smirk saying he had a surprise and begged me to drop Lennon off by myself so he could get the house ready.
What I come home to is fresh spaghetti, my favorite sparkling cider sitting in a bucket of ice on the counter, Lukas Graham on the record player, Harry basically tackling me once he sees me come through the door, his lips smashed to mine, hungry and needy.
I try to shove my intrusive thoughts that 'Harry must be up to something' or that he's buttering me up for something out of my head and enjoy this night."Baby, you did all this? I ask as Harry gives me another quick peck, nodding and pulling me over to the table, pouring me a champagne flute of grape juice.
We eat slowly, both commenting on how weird the silence is. And we wonder if we really enjoy it anymore.
At the end of dinner, I wait to clean up because I can tell Harry has something on his mind the way he's fidgeting with his rings.
"What's up H? What's on your mind?" Harry sighs, pushing his plate away so he can knit his fingers together on the top of the table. "I-I have something to to tell ya. And... and I think it may make you mad at me. In fact I know it'll make you mad. Jeff says I have to go on this lil mini tour. I have to leave in a week..." I sit there, dumbfounded as that statement slaps me in the face. All I can do is just stare at my husband.
"You.. you what? He's only three months old! Did you tell him that?! Does he know you're gonna miss so much if you leave now? And I can't do this without you!" I nearly scream, wanting to throw my napkin at him but this isn't his fault.He stares at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes like a little kid who's been caught.
"It's a mini tour. It's only a few major cities as a final goodbye to the FineLine Era and a hello to the Double H era... I wouldn't go if I didn't have to. What if you guys go?" I curse myself as I feel my eyes well up with tears. "How long Harry? How long?" He exhales deeply. "Five major cities over four months. Multiple shows in each city. So you can definitely come with me and Lennie can travel. You wouldn't have to do this alone.." My hands busy themselves in my hair as I try to calm myself down. "Four months?! Harry Lennie will nearly be 8 months by then; he could be walking by then Harry! I don't want you to miss that!"
"So come with me Kian!" He nearly screams and I'm thanking the universe that Lennon's having a grandparents sleepover so Harry's yelling can't wake him up.
I point my finger in Harry's face. "Don't yell at me Harry! I know this is what I signed up for when I married you and when I got pregnant but I just... I didn't think it would be this soon! He's three months old! I don't know what to do! I-I..." I start to panic trying to figure out what we do. I know Harry had to go back to touring but I thought Lennon would a year, year and a half by the time he went. Harry exaggeratedly takes a couple deep breath, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Ok, ok, watch my face. Breathe with me ok." I nod, my eyes not wavering from his face.
Once I completely calm myself down, I cross my arms, just wanting to hold myself together a bit. "I don't know. I just wish Lennon was older." He nods, taking my hand. "I know bubs I do too. But this is what we've been dealt. And Jeff says I need to take advantage of the world opening up again to travel since we lost so much time right after Fine Line! Please, please come with me. I couldn't bear to watch my son grow up through a cellphone screen... and I'll never forgive myself if he does something major while I'm not there to witness it.... I told you when we got married, right, that you can do whatever you want. And if you want to follow me around on tour? Please please do I want that! You won't get hate for it I promise."
I cover my face with my hand weighing the pros and cons in my head. Harry knows how the hate his 'fans' throw at me gets to me. I never want to be seen as I'm with Harry just for the money and luxury and glitz and glamour that comes along with my husband being a rockstar.
I want to be seen as a strong powerful capable woman that doesn't need to follow her husband around on tour... but honestly that seems to be the only way this family could function over the next five months with Lennon being so little.But I also don't want to be seen as the sad little puppy that follows her famous husbands every move.
I squeeze Harry's hand, silencing all the intrusive what it's in my head. Who cares what his 'fans' think of me. If I want to travel with my family I should go. "I want to go. I don't want you to miss any of Lennon's life. I want to travel with you. But what if it's too chaotic for Len?" Harry gets up and steps closer to my chair so he can wrap his arms around me. "All Lennie need is us two. He needs his parents and unconditional love.... And baby safe ear medicine for when he's on the planes." He adds with a chuckle.
"Ok?" He asks. I nod, kissing him. "Ok." He pulls back and pulls me into a firm hug. "Now... how about you and I go upstairs and we can watch a movie... a real movie baby. No Cocomelon or Bluey... in the bath?" I squeal, running ahead of him up the stairs. "Ay! Come back 'ere!" Harry yells, bounding after me.
(One week later)
While Harry finishes packing for all 3 of us, I double check our carry-ons and my purse to see if I have everything for Lennie. I'm sure he'll get very angry at me once we take off tonight. He starts getting fussy in his bouncer so I decide to talk to him as we pace around.
"Alright sweetie, things are gonna be crazy for a while. But that's your life huh? With who your daddy is. While daddy works we're gonna have all the fun. We're gonna visit some new states and we're gonna make some memories! And I know this is all new for you. Well everything's new to you huh? But at least daddy doesn't have to leave, we get to go with him! We're gonna go on an adventure!" How fun is that? I'm so excited to watch you see your daddy perform for the first time! Once you stay up for longer periods of time and stand and crawl and walk, you'll have so much fun at daddies concerts and we'll even get you to dance!"
I end our walk in Harry and I'd room amid a ton of open suitcases and Harry's smiling sillily at me. "What?!" I ask, my voice still high-pitched not changing from my baby talking pitch just yet. He throws his head back, laughing. His genuine laugh. It makes me smile. "You had to know I 'eard every word you said to him about traveling right?" I nod. "Hoped you would." I lean down and peck his lips. "Jeff's getting here in fifteen. Do you have everything you need mama?" He gestures to our bathroom in which I spent a half hour this morning making listens and ransacking our medicine cabinet, playing out every scenario Lennon could get into over the next five months. He nods. "Ok baby's covered; but what about you? You got your anxiety meds? And we can refill em anywhere?" I nod, running a hand through my hair. "Yeah as long as I give a bit of notice." He nods. "Can we tell Jeff and security about it so they can help ya with that and take you to get them when ya need em?" I nod. "Yes, yes. We're good. Lennies good, I'm good, you're good. We're good." He nods, happy I'm not too anxious about anything yet. He prepared for me to have a full blown attack by now.
He pats his hands on the bed. "Ok! Get your bags and stuff, we're gonna go make some memories." I nod, going for the small bags so Harry can carry the bigger heavier ones.
I loved this chapter so much!!! 15k words!!! And Traveling Baby Lennon? The adventure begins!! Woo!!! Harry could never be without him! If you like this chapter please let me know by voting and commenting on what you'd like to see! ❤️❤️❤️ hope ya enjoyed!

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...