"Oooh hello!" Harry wakes up and notices my sleep shirt (an old soft Bowie shirt of his I stole after we had been dating for a while) was tossed on the ground in the muggy night after a frustrated fit of tossing and turning. I chuckle feeling him pull me into his chest, reaching around and caressing my soft bare skin, pinching my nipples a bit. "I thought I was the only one who liked to be nakey." I chuckle. "I couldn't take it anymore. Surprised I didn't wake you up with how much I was moving." Harry turns onto his back, stretching his long arms above his head. "Yeah, I was dead to the world after dinner. But at least I don't feel like I have a tornado in my head anymore." After a very long day at the studio, Harry brought home dinner for us and a happy meal for Len. It's shit but it's easy. And sometimes it's easier to give him the treat rather than deal with another meltdown as he approaches his terrible twos and then not long after his threenager stage.
Harry uses his music as a form of therapy so since he's had all these parenting fears as he sees the horrible things happen across the world, he writes it out of his system on paper. And puts it out as tracks that his fans can scarily relate to. And cry to.
I sleepily run my fingertips through Harry's sleep messed curls and kiss his temple, wishing I could do so much more to help quell the swirl of thoughts in his head. But we talk through everything and face the world together and that's all we can do. And there's no one else I'd love to go through all of this with. Harry and Lennie. My lovely boys. "I love you." I whisper, slowly sitting up and gathering up the energy to get up for the day.
Harry smiles, cheekily, rolling toward the nightstand to grab his phone. "Love you too kiwi." Harry scrolls through his phone for a few minutes, catching up on all the fan freak outs that happened while he was asleep until he makes an excited little noise. "Ooh! Niall's asking to come hang at our pool since it'll be so hot today. What do you think lovey? We can have Lennie and Niall hang out, have lunch and catch up?" I nod, my toothbrush hanging out of my foamy mouth. "Yeah? I'm u' fo' tha!" I mumble as I turn to finish brushing my teeth. I hear the tip tapping of Harry writing out of reply to the Irishman on his phone.
I'm feeding Lennon some breakfast while Harry is planting some radishes in our garden as we pass time waiting for Niall to arrive. Or as Lennon calls him "Ni-Ni". "What do you think of your selection today, sir? Your oranges and apples good?" I laugh. Lennon just learned how to share. Even though he's still an only child and doesn't have to share yet we thought it was a good skill for him to learn long before he has to once we extend our family; possibly in the near future. So he doesn't have to share his toys but he loves to attempt to share his food. He loves the praise and hearing that he's "such a good boy" whenever he shares with us. Hearing the word Apple or as Lennon calls them 'appas', knowing it's the ones he's eating and making a mess with on his tray, he picks up a piece of apple with some effort since his tiny fingers slide them around and he gets frustrated until he finally gets it to stay in one place and finally picks up the slice, handing it to me. "Wan', mama?" He asks. I smile, letting him feed me the slide, pretending I'm munching on his fingers as well, hearing a big belly laugh from my son that makes my heart explode. "Thank you bugaboo! You're such a big boy, I love you!" I stretch the oooooh making him giggle again.
What are you two doing?" Harry asks, sliding the door to the pool and garden open and coming in, pecking Lennon's shoulder feeling his little boys whole body shake with laughter as he walks over to the cabinets for a glass of water. "Hi. We're just eating apples. Waiting on Ni-Ni!" Lennon's blue eyes bug out hearing me say his favorite uncles name. "Ni-Ni?!" Lennon squeals, stretching his body-that's only in a diaper since he's so messy-so he can peek over at the front door waiting for his favorite uncle to come through the door and play with him.
"Oh no, sorry, not yet bubba. But Ni-Ni will be here soon."
"Geez mama, don't tease him." Harry playfully jabs at me as he pulls his shirt up to wipe at his sweaty face, watching poor Lennon's face fall when I tell him his favorite person isn't here.
Harry's so sweaty from being in the garden half of his shirt is dark with sweat from how far it traveled down the front of it. "Bubby, c'mere want a hug." I quickly pick up Lennon and back toward the stairs, wanting to 1. Put Lennon in his swim trunks so he's ready to go as soon as Niall's here to play and 2. Put distance between me and Harry's very sweaty tan body. "Why you backing away, Ki-Ki? Cmon I just want a cuddle!" Harry smirks, his arms wide open. "No!" I nearly squeal. "You're all yucky!" I yell the words yucky and no in my baby voice to course another belly laugh from Lennon again which works quite well. Simple but effective. (;)) As Harry smirks and slowly but surely tries to trap me against the wall in a sweaty hug, I take my chance, I turn and run up the stairs, Lennon bouncing along on my hip, loving the speed of my run, giggling along as I run to his room to grab his swimming stuff.
"Do you want duckies or Dino's, Lennie? Which one?" He looks down at Harry and I's bed, considering both trunks. "Dino! Is a Dino mumma!" He lisps. I smile laying him down on the bed, grabbing a swim diaper from the pack. "It is a Dino! Good job munchy, (short for munchkin if you're confused lol) you're so smart!" Right as I finish getting Lennon changed we both hear Niall's goofy voice boom through the house, "HELLOOOO, Where's my Lennie buddy?!" As soon as Lennon hears his uncles voice, he sprints off. "Ah! Ah! Lennon, wait at the top of the stairs! Wait for mumma!" I jog after him down the hall and he's anxiously tapping his feet on the ground seeing Niall at the bottom. He points but knows going further is a big no. "Mumma, It's Ni!" I grab his hand and walk him down the stairs so he can finally give his buddy a welcoming hug.
"Hi buddy! I missed you!" They both squeeze each other quite tight, both of them great cuddlers. Lennon pulls back and studies Niall's face, touching the blonde scruff on his face. You're looking sharp, dude! Those are some cool dinosaurs! Ready to go swimming?" Lennon giggles, nodding and quickly takes Niall's fingers in his tiny hand and pulls him hard and toddles as fast as he can to the sliding door to the pool.
"Go ahead with him, he has sunscreen on. I'm gonna bring out some snacks, cut up some some watermelon and stuff." I say, turning toward the fridge.
"Do you want a drink, Nialler?" Harry asks, pulling out a drink out of the cooler for himself. Niall smirks, hearing his nickname I gave him back in the bands days. "A beer would be great." Lennon whines, wanting Niall's attention and for him to help with his Lightning McQueen floaties. "Alright, alright, I'm coming buddy I'm coming, gosh!" I smile, watching Niall interact with Lennon, squatting down to his level to talk to him and ask him all he wants to do today.
I'm laying in a lounge chair with a book in my lap, and watching as sleepy Lennon is slowly losing his energy and the battle to stay away. With his shirt off, Niall lays back, opening his arms for a cuddle. "C'mere Lennon, you can sleep, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you wake up." He cups Lennon's head in his large hand, pushing his face into his reddening chest, running his fingers through his wispy blonde locks. "Shhh, shh, I'm still here." Realizing that Niall will at least have some difficulty getting up to leave him if Lennon is lying on top of him, Lennon finally listens to his buddy and closes his eyes, breathing slow and even, getting comfy and warm, letting sleep heaviness take over his limbs.
Harry chuckles noticing that Niall is now trapped underneath our little boy. "He really trapped him."
I grab my phone and snap a few pics. "He sure did."
POOL DAY POOL DAY! I love this chapter so much and I love Niall and Lennie together!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Now that Lennies age is old enough to be really be interacted with I find it's easier to write these out! If you have any requests, please please let me know! I'd love to know what you guys wanna see!!! ❤️❤️ see ya guys soon!!

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...