4:55 am
I wake up before sun rise due to a deep cramp in my lower belly. I watch the clock to see how long it takes for it to go away. After 2 minutes, it finally goes away and it feels different than the Braxton Hicks contractions I've been having over the last few days. This feels different, almost deeper. After taking a minute to try to see if I it hurts and/or if I feel off anywhere else in my body, I feel quite restless since this could very well be labor. I also know I won't be able to get back to sleep before Harrys alarm goes off so I roll off the mattress with some difficulty but luckily I don't wake Harry. He's used to me moving often in sleep so he stays knocked out. I quickly shuffle downstairs to watch some Netflix.6:20 am
I'm startled out of my fuzzy half sleep stage when I feel Harry poking me. I open one eye to see him hovering above me on the couch still in the dark. "Hey snuggles, I woke up and you weren't in bed. What're you doing down 'ere?"I yawn, rubbing my eyes trying to decide how much to let him know, not wanting to worry him just yet. "I, um, I woke up a while ago feeling crampy. I didn't wanna wake you so I came down here to watch my show. But they've only gotten worse. Something's a bit off." As the tv light splashes over Harry's face I can see his eyebrows stitch together in concern.
"Babe, do you think I need to stay? Is this it?" I shrug, rubbing my belly. "I don't think so yet. I'm not too worried. But I wouldn't stay for very long if I were you bubs..." He nods but I can tell he doesn't believe me when I say I'm not worried yet.
He puts his large hand on my bump. "Ok well today is just a writing day so if you call me and this ends up being real labor, I won't hesitate to come home. You can have your brother call me too if he ends up beating me to the house." I nod, waving him away, too tired to really listen to what he's saying only wanting to catch up with the sleep I lost.
"Ok, ok, go, I'm fine..." he only gets as far as the front door before another contraction rips through my belly and I reach out toward Harry not wanting him to leave. "Wait, H, ow, oh no!" Harry quickly takes a seat on our coffee table, facing me and helps me sit up, putting his arms around my middle. "Ok, ok, breathe, you got it." I stuff my face in his neck when I feel the pain getting worse peaking past the point it has all morning. "Goddamn it, H!" I gasp as the pain suddenly stops and I hear a little pop and suddenly I'm sitting in a puddle. My waters have gone.
"Shit, ok, forget about the studio. I'll call your brother. And Jeff, tell him I'm skipping today." Harry states still quiet. I nod, catching my breath a bit, shaking off the contraction and flopping back into the cushions of the couch. Harry slowly stands, giving me a once-over to make sure I'm ok. "Will you be ok if I run upstairs for my phone?" I nod. "And can you get me a glass of water too please?" He pecks my forehead. "'Course I can, lovey."
"Ok, Ice cold water for you and your brother said to give you this," he pecks me on the forehead after handing me a Love On Tour water bottle. "He said he'd be here in twenty." He whispers as he sits back on the edge of the coffee table again, taking my hand. I'm too scared to move anywhere just yet.
"Hello, hello! I heard we're having a baby today?" My brother, Aires yells into the house as he lets himself in and dropping his midwife bag of tools, finding me and Harry swaying together back and forth in the kitchen. "Looks like it, contractions are ten minutes apart and her waters have already gone." I sigh and add, "Yeah they sure went... all over our couch." Harry smiles. "It's ok bub. I don't care about that."
Aires comes up behind me rubbing my back. "That sounds great bud, and your waters are gone? Seems like this baby isn't gonna be taking their sweet time. Can we get you laying down so I can check ya?" I nod. "Upstairs. I want upstairs."
Around 8 am
This baby is coming fast. And there's nothing I can do about it. And it's terrifying. "Ooooh! I can feel him! Moving." I'm sitting on the very edge of the bed with my legs spread open, still wearing the mesh underwear while I'm leaning back agains Harry who has his hands rubbing his fingertips over my upper thighs. "Yeah, that's good bub.. that means he's coming to meet us." My brother takes my hand, squeezing it so hard I have to give him my attention. "Harry's right sweetie. Everything's still looking good, ok? You just keep doing what you feel good doing." I squeeze my eyes shut and gnash my teeth together as I feel like my son is shoving his head further into my pelvis almost like he's head-butting it. "Holy fuck, no! Ah, it feels like this is going way too fast!"

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...