Starting in Denver Colorado Lennon is 3mo
"What're you thinking love?" I ask Lennon as Harry starts getting ready for the show, dressing up and finding his waist pack and in ears. We're sitting backstage on the couch, watching the TV that Harry has set up in every one of his dressing rooms so he can watch his fans fill up the venue. Lennon can tell a lot of commotions going on around him as people run amuck trying to get everything to go perfectly in this first night of this tour. It's a tiny one but tour is chaotic nonetheless. It seems no matter what I try, Lennon seems overstimulated and I just can't get him to go down for the night. Plus this is one of those nights where he only wants Harry. But with Harry going on stage in twenty minutes Harry is distracted. "Just take him back to the room lovie. He'd be able to calm down there." I look down, a pout almost crossing my lips. With this being the first show back since HS3 was released I wanted to hear what the songs sound like at a concert (not just streamed over our desktop) the same way a fan would and maybe see Harry show off Lennon a bit. But Lennon is having none of it.
"It's ok baby. Lennon can come to the next show. Remember we have a month here. And bubbas clearly overtired. Just you two go relax back home ok? Go get him to bed and watch your show ok? I'll be home before ya know it..." I kiss him goodbye with an angry pout on my face. "You owe me donuts, Styles." He chuckles, hugging Lennon close but making sure he doesn't pull on any wires attached to Harry that are needed for the performance. He shakes my hand. "Deal. We can get donuts for a week straight if you want. But only if you get going now; Good night, little man. Love you. Daddy will be home soon." Finally, Lennon settles his head on my shoulder, worn out from having a little screaming fest that's now reduced to sniffles. I put a blanket over him as I walk out to be sure no one can see him and whisper. "I know bubbas. Let's go home just you and me. And we can have a bath and all the cuddles you want."
Dallas Texas; Lennon 4-5 months old
We are now in Dallas, shopping specifically for a cowboy hat for Harry to wear on stage tonight. He's insisting on going out to find one despite my argument that plenty of fans would bring MANY cowboys tonight but he insisted he wanted to go out and be normal and touristy. So here we are looking for a cowboy hat.
Harry pulls me into a shop when he sees things that have sequins and stuff that's bedazzled and I wanna run and hide when I hear. "Holy crap is that HARRY STYLES?!" Three girls run up to us in jeans and boots and they're all blushing when they realize they're really looking at Harry. "Oh my gosh! You're real!" As the girls crowd him asking for autographs, tattoos and photos. I quickly wheel Lennon in his stroller to the other side of the store. Lennon startles away at the squeals of the fans and starts to fuss before I pull a scrunchie off a nearby rack and hand it to him to keep him occupied while Harry finishes with the photos.
"Hey Lennie, look what I found, should I dress you up as Andy tonight when you go on stage with daddy? Here let's see if this fits bub." I fashion the baby cowboy hat on his head and start cackling away. It's so funny and adorable. I finally hear Harry's footfalls return to us he starts cackling too seeing the cowboy hat I picked out for Lennon. "Wow! You're looking great bub." We both share a laugh and send a quick picture to Anne before deciding to purchase it and go back to finding one for Harry. Of course he picks a hot pink one with feathers on the brim and a few detailed diamonds on it
(Later than Night)
"Hello Texas! Welcome back home! Along with making this record over the past two and a half years I also... became a father! To a wonderful baby boy. Should we see if he wants to say hi to all of you?! I know you'd all love to see him but he may just be asleep, this show is way past his bedtime; let's see, can he come out momma?!"
The crowd absolutely goes crazy when I appear holding an indifferent Lennon in my arms. He couldn't care less that everyone's screaming his name and screaming in general. A stage manager runs after me with a chair for Harry so he can sit down while holding Lennon for everyone to meet.

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...