Harry wakes me up with kisses and scratchy stubble on my cheeks. I giggle and try to swat him away. "Stop, stop it tickles!" Harry chuckles and cuddles into my neck. "Gooooood morning!" I drawl sleepily. Harry groans when his cellphone pings with a text. "Argh! It's Gemma! She says... she'll be here in an hour to set up for the party.. oooh she's gonna send us out of the house while she decorates!" I smile. "Could we go to the bookstore? What if we got the baby their own set of Harry Potter books? Then we can read through them as they grow up." Harry chuckles. "Whatever you want bubs. Happy halfway point lovely!" I smile. "Thank you H, Talk to them? I'm not ready to get up yet."
Upon my request, Harry's hand travels below the blanket cupping my 20 week bump gingerly. "Hi bean, this is dad. I can't wait to meet you..."
After finally getting out of bed and deciding to wear disguises today because we're sure Harry's face is all over those bookstore magazine racks and biography shelves, we're pushed out of the house by a bossy Gemma after she hauls her decorations, bakery items and other supplies out of her car and speeding towards the bookstore.
As usual after getting a breakfast pastry and a bit of coffee, in the bookstore cafe, we split up and Harry makes me promise to come find him in at least an hour and to not to be going crazy with book-buying.
After scanning all the nursery, cardboard and sensory books, I find myself in the kids/toddler section of the stacks and as I'm looking at all the stuffies, trying to find a special one to go with the babies bunny, I find 6 foot tall Harry hunched over in a toddler chair flipping through a Berensteins Bear picture book sipping on his coffee. I hide in the stacks, cupping my hand over my mouth to smother my giggles, catching candid snaps of Harry looking like a giant kid reading books.
He doesn't even notice when I lumber up to him with my ever growing stack of ink strewn dead trees until I pat his knee. He startles, thinking it's a random child coming up out of curiosity. "Hi bubs, you find some good ones?" He chuckles knowing I'd go a bit crazy before taking half of the stack noticing I'm struggling under the weight a bit. "Yeah, I found a lot of fun sensory touch books, picture books, beautiful Harry Potter editions, and of course, we were right your face is plastered everywhere downstairs." Hearing that, he pulls his hood tighter around his face.
I take a minute to glance at his stack. All he has is big chunky pregnancy books. "Woah, you actually gonna be able to read all these in 3 months?" He shrugs. "I think even if I read all these cover to cover, we'd still be guessing how to do this most of the time." That makes me laugh.
As soon as we get back into the car, "Well! I thought we could go to that fancy new baby boutique downtown but of course you took forever combing over EVERY SINGLE TITLE and now Gem is asking us back to the house. Guests are arriving in half an hour." I clap like a little kid. "Oh! I bet the house looks so pretty!"
A couple hours later the party is in full swing. The house is decorated in blue and/or pink. There are streamers everywhere, everyone was given buttons to wear of what gender they think the baby will be although Harry and I decided to wear the yellow ones to be neutral.Liam sidles up to us poking Harry in the chest. "You guys seem to be the only yellow ones. You kinda stick out." Harry shrugs and pulls me into his side, hugging me and bean close. "We don't really prefer it either way. As long as they're full term and healthy and happy." Liam smirks tipsily staring Harry down to see if Harry is secretly vying for one gender over the other.
"Ok, ok I get that. So, do you guys have any names picked out? Cmon, you know you can spill to uncle Li..." I laugh. "We have a few Liam but we're not set on one for either. So unfortunately it's still undecided. You'll know soon enough." I say, grinning.
He looks around the room, his eyes flitting between Niall, Lou, and my brother Aires. "Names undecided but what about godfather?" And before we can say anything, Gemma thankfully saves us by announcing that it's time to all go in the backyard to find out the gender.
All of our guests stand around us and we stand together against a white backdrop that along with our skin will catch the paint of the gender as the guests shoot at us with water guns. Anne stands in a corner spot with her very fancy camera hoping to catch some photos while Gemma passes out the tiny water toys.
She counts down from five and we embrace to kind of hide as everyone aims for us. It takes us a second to realize what the paint color is. Soon we get covered and everyone knows the answer. Blue. Baby blue. Harry and I have a son.
And right as the sun starts to set, the backyards erupts with screams and everyone jumping around and dancing.
Today was a perfect day.
Now proofread!
What did you guys think? Do you have any name name recs for baby Styles?

Harry Styles Mini Me
FanfictionHarry and Kian have been married for around three years now and have been trying for kids for the last year without success... until one day she finally gets to tell him the good news. This story follows Kian's pregnancy and the husband and wife's j...